Similar to many people in high school, I've been struggling with being concise. Whenever I discuss a topic relating with anything- history, literature, current events, i find that I write more than everybody else does, but when I go back to check, I can never find a place to add a period to. After getting my paper back, it would always say "be concise"
My main question is if anybody has any suggestion on being concise while writing.
I struggle with that sometimes as well. We have an essay due *every* class period for my Government and Politics class this year and each one must fit on one piece of paper (12 pt. font, 1-inch margins). It is *tough* to get it down to one page, but it has really helped me to figure out what is important in an essay and how to extract the extraneous words. When I have to cut words, my verb forms are the first place I look. All of those little helping verbs can really add volume to writing without adding any substance.
can you please check for my essay. i'm not very good in writing :-(
Thanks for the advice Notoman
And Puteri, can you not spam in my thread? Thanks.
Conciseness comes when you eliminate adjectives by using better action verbs, as opposed to being verbs, which often require helping verbs. Try writing something--a paragraph, maybe--without a single adjective. Be creative with your verbs. See what a difference it can make.