Prompt: Describe a challenge you faced in your academic or personal life. How did you address it, what support systems or resources did you use, and what lessons did you learn from the experience? How has this influenced the way you approach challenges today? (Maximum limit: 150 words).
Essay: As an avid reader, books were doors through which I let my imagination run wild. They shaped
who I am today. So, it was an unpleasant surprise when I found myself reluctant to explore
female perspectives in literature and growing up surrounded by strong educated women, I knew
it was a problem I needed to address.
I turned to my sister, a fellow book enthusiast, for guidance. She suggested starting small-with
stories featuring dual protagonists and working my way up. Following her advice, I discovered
incredible stories, realizing I didn't need to relate 100% to understand or appreciate a character.
This experience has taught me the values of diversity, that I didn't need to relate with
someone 100% of the time to empathize and understand them. It has helped me step
outside my comfort zone, and approach people and problems alike, with an open mind
Essay: As an avid reader, books were doors through which I let my imagination run wild. They shaped
who I am today. So, it was an unpleasant surprise when I found myself reluctant to explore
female perspectives in literature and growing up surrounded by strong educated women, I knew
it was a problem I needed to address.
I turned to my sister, a fellow book enthusiast, for guidance. She suggested starting small-with
stories featuring dual protagonists and working my way up. Following her advice, I discovered
incredible stories, realizing I didn't need to relate 100% to understand or appreciate a character.
This experience has taught me the values of diversity, that I didn't need to relate with
someone 100% of the time to empathize and understand them. It has helped me step
outside my comfort zone, and approach people and problems alike, with an open mind