Trinity's Integrity Contract articulates our expectations of honesty, personal responsibility, active consideration of others, and respect for our community. What personal "integrity contract" do you employ in your own life?
As a son of doctors who dedicate themselves to the better living of patients, I was educated since my birth to concern for others. My 'integrity contract', which is all about the active considerations of others, shapes who I am.
Concerning with others require me to be aware of how my behavior affects others. I fully understand that what I do or say will have an effect on people around me. So it is important to consider people's feelings before I do anything. I spare no efforts to behave appropriately in case of generating negative efforts on other people. I dress decently every day and I do not use vile languages. I tend to think in other people's points and respect their opinions. At school, I stick to the honor code strictly and voluntarily. I have never given or received improper aid in any test, because it will harm the interests of other students. In public, I commitment to considerations of others is reflected by my efforts to avoid improper actions. I do not speak loudly and spoil the environment.
Taking active consideration of others require me to give love and help to those in need. At home, I do the housework every weekend to lighten the load of my parents. At school, my responsibilities include helping slow learners with their study. In daily life, I leave seats for people in need; I help the blind go across the street; I raised fund for the victims of earthquake. What's more, I make efforts to encourage more people to take consideration of people, who are often ignored. In the summer of 2007, I went to the local factory to know the lives of workers. The information I gained made me understand the miserable life of the workers. I wrote a research paper in order to attract attention.
My consideration of others not only helps others, but also enriches my life. The integrity contract makes me a descent and respected man. At the same time, the pleasure of helping others can never be overestimated, which motivates me to take more active consideration of other people.
I think the essay I have written is dull. I have no idea how to write this topic. Please give me some specific suggestions on this essay. The deadline in January 1st, so I have no muc time :(
Thanks very much for all your help :)
As a son of doctors who dedicate themselves to the better living of patients, I was educated since my birth to concern for others. My 'integrity contract', which is all about the active considerations of others, shapes who I am.
Concerning with others require me to be aware of how my behavior affects others. I fully understand that what I do or say will have an effect on people around me. So it is important to consider people's feelings before I do anything. I spare no efforts to behave appropriately in case of generating negative efforts on other people. I dress decently every day and I do not use vile languages. I tend to think in other people's points and respect their opinions. At school, I stick to the honor code strictly and voluntarily. I have never given or received improper aid in any test, because it will harm the interests of other students. In public, I commitment to considerations of others is reflected by my efforts to avoid improper actions. I do not speak loudly and spoil the environment.
Taking active consideration of others require me to give love and help to those in need. At home, I do the housework every weekend to lighten the load of my parents. At school, my responsibilities include helping slow learners with their study. In daily life, I leave seats for people in need; I help the blind go across the street; I raised fund for the victims of earthquake. What's more, I make efforts to encourage more people to take consideration of people, who are often ignored. In the summer of 2007, I went to the local factory to know the lives of workers. The information I gained made me understand the miserable life of the workers. I wrote a research paper in order to attract attention.
My consideration of others not only helps others, but also enriches my life. The integrity contract makes me a descent and respected man. At the same time, the pleasure of helping others can never be overestimated, which motivates me to take more active consideration of other people.
I think the essay I have written is dull. I have no idea how to write this topic. Please give me some specific suggestions on this essay. The deadline in January 1st, so I have no muc time :(
Thanks very much for all your help :)