Write your Personal Profile for UBC application - how others describe me & something I'm proud of
UBC Profile. Tell us about who you are
How your family describe you? What are you most proud of?
I was born in Vietnam and move to Canada at the age of 14. Growing up and going to school in Canada was a great challenge for me due to cultural and language differences. I was having difficulty adapting to the new environment and open myself up to others. Over the years, I was able to overcome these struggles and it has shape who I am today and how other people perceive me as.
My family and peers would perceive me as a determined and hardworking individual. When facing difficult situations, I took the time to reflect on my actions and plans out the next steps. It gives me a sense of understanding of where I am on my track to help me stay committed and work hard to reach the finish line. Becoming a part of my school community was a goal I set out to achieve in my high school years. By engaging in clubs such as Me to We, Leadership, and Avid, I have the opportunity to make new friends, be more outgoing, and to give back to my community. I took on many leadership roles and put all my effort in to improve the school's life by organizing fundraisers and help teachers run events.
I'm proud that I have reached the goal I set out and I have growth and learn from it. By having a strong mindset to work hard with a clear goal in mind, I believe that anything is possible to achieve.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15523 Delete the first paragraph. That is not a requirement in this statement. Use at least 2 different points of view coming from your parents and peers. Use the essay to build your image as a student / friend and family member. You are different things to different people. Hence, they should not have the same point of view about you. There is no clear definition of what you are most proud of and why in this presentation. What goal was it you were trying to achieve? The goal should be clearly referred to in a separate paragraph that would explain how that goal is supported by the way that other people look at you. For example, your parents can view you as hard-working and your friends, see you as a determined person. Which among your accomplishments would be supported by such differing but important character descriptions? Make sure the character traits are combined and evident in the accomplishment you have chosen to discuss. How is it supported? Why did these character traits, as it applies to your accomplishment, make you decide that this was the achievement you wanted to present as the representation of your character?
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