TASK 1 IELTS - why adults choose to study and how to share learning fees
The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first chart show the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared. Write a report to a university lecturer, describing the information shown below.The first chart answers the question of why adults choose to study. The two most popular reasons are because of their interests in the subject and their aims to gain qualification, respectively at 40% and 38%. Three other options are "helpful for current job", "to improve prospects of promotion", "enjoy learning/studying", all of which were chosen by roughly 20%. The next-to-last option is "to be able to change jobs" chosen by 12% of the interviewees. "To meet other people" are at the bottom of the graph with only 9%. The second chart expresses people's opinions on how to share adult learning fees. They think 40% of the fee should go to individuals and 35% go to employers while the rest should be the taxpayers'.
the graph
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15521 The essay will receive an automatic failing score as it does not meet the 150 minimum word requirement. The writer has only written a single paragraph composed of 124 words, showing a lack of familiarity with the task 1 writing requirements. Since there are 2 images presented, the report and analysis should cover a total of 4 paragraphs. It is important that the writer does not go forward with his task 1 writing exercises until he becomes more familiar with the various formatting types and discussion expectations for this section of the IELTS test. The writer must learn how to write paragraphs covering analysis and comparison information, then paragraphs that report on the elements of each image presentation.
Hi! I think you should write more because it is not at the requirements right now and make sure to improve your structure!
I think you should add more information and extend your ideas more. From what I have seen, your writing is devoid of an overview, which is rudimentary and is one of the most important criteria in a task 1 IELTS
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