WASTE disposal
A comparison of household expenditure in New Zealand and UK between 1980 and 2008 is presented in the chart.
Overall, food and drink expenditure percentage showed a decline over 28 years period, while utility expenditure was the reverse. Also, UK residents tend to spend their budgets more on leisure than New Zealander.
Initially, larger proportion for households spending in New Zealand was on food and drink with 29%, and the parallel figure for UK was 23%. By 2008, a slightly decreased in food and drink budget in New Zealand and UK, with 4 % respectively. By contrast, both countries utility budget showed an increased from 27% to 31% in New Zealand and from 26% to 28% in the UK.
Money spent for picnic was the highest demand in UK, both 1980 and 2008. In contrast, it became third in New Zealand. In fact, there was a half in proportion differences between those who like to spend their money on vacation in both countries. Eventually, transport cost and other cost had roughly 10% and 15% bills respectively.
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