Diplomas and degrees in Singapore
The bar chart illustrates the data of total school spending in Singapore from 2000 to 2012. The pie chart compares the percentage of Singaporean students adwarded degree and diploma qualifications in higher education in 2000 and 2012.
Overall, the school expenditure in both gender increased throughout the time surveyed, while the proportion of people gained dilopmas in Singapore was higher than those of degrees
In terms of boys schools, there are approximately 10 millions dolllars paid for school expenditure in 2000, compared to only 7 millions of girls schools. The expenditure spending on Singaporean boys schools increased dramatically during 12 years, reaching the peak in 2012, at around 32 millions dollars. The school expenditure for girls experienced the similar trend. After slightly rising to about 12 millions and remaing stable in next 4 years, it surged to exactly 20 millions at the end of the period.
In 2000, 27% of students gained higher educations were degree holders, while this figure for dilopma holders was 73%. The ratio of people achieving dilopma gradually decrease to 68% in 2012. By contrast, the figure for degree holders in Singapore rose slightly to 32% in the end of the reseach period.