the life cycle of the honey bee
The given diagram illustrates the life cycle of the honey bee that grows up and reproduces through various steps.
Overall, six main steps are involved in the given process, beginning with a female bee laying one or two eggs every three days and ending with becoming mature bees, which takes around five weeks to complete.
At the first step in the given cycle, female bees lay one or two eggs every three days, and these eggs are put in a nest. At the subsequent step, the eggs are hatched to become nymphs within ten days. At the next step in the given diagram, these nymphs molt three times to become larger with the body color changing that makes them become immature bees for sixteen days. After that, these immature bees spend four days growing up to become mature bees. At the final step in the given process, these mature bees reproduce eggs, and the cycle starts over again.