the proportion of energy production in France
The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005.
The pie charts compare the proportion of energy production in France in the years 1995 and 2005.
Overall, at the beginning of the period, coal made the highest contribution to the energy production in France, while other sectors made up the smallest part of the chart and 2005 experienced the same trend with coal and other sectors.
Other sector accounted for 4,9% of France's energy production in 1995 and experienced a half increase to 9,10% in 2005. Energy production from nuclear was 6.4% in 1995 and had a slight growth of 3.7% in 2005. At the beginning of the period, gas and coal made up 29,65% and 29,80% of France's energy production respectively, and these figures rose to 30,31% and 30,93% in 2005.
Petro, which comprised almost the highest rate in energy production in France in 1995, suddenly fell to 19,55% in 2005 and came in second in the pie chart of 2005.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15515 [The winter should indicate the image locationon the page if it is actually provided in the report. Since it was indicated as included but not presented, there is nouwa reference inaccuracy in the presentation. For accuracy purposes, mention the number of images but not a page position. The trending explanation is confusing to read because unrelated data for 2 different years are presented in one sentence. That needs to be presented on an individuald sentence basis with direct reference to the trend for the year.
There are punctuation inaccuracies in reference to data presentation. When referring to percentages, decimal points are more commonly used instead of a comma.The writer uses both, which tends to confuse the actual numerical reference. The word is Petrol, not Petto. The author must understand the importance of editing and proof-reading to his score. Leaving related errors affect the LR and GRA scores. Also, a paragraph can only recieve a complete score if it meets the minimum 3 sentence requirement. The last sentence is not going to recieve a good score because it does not meet the requirements for a completely developed paragraph.
Hi @bhhazie, I'm not really good about essay as well. And I still in process to learn for my IELTS writing. But, I could tell that you didn't use some words to compare the condition of energy production in 1995 and 2005, that's why people would getting confused when read your writing. There's so many tutorial how to do your writing especially for IELTS. Keep fighting and keep writing.