Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn
The average user engagement for four social networking sites is presented in the table and pie chart.
Overall, Facebook and Twitter are two sites with the highest average visits and market shares in spite of the lowest daily usages. Meanwhile, Instagram and LinkedIn users spend the longest time on the sites but show the reverse.
The figures clearly indicate that Facebook and Twitter users spend the least amount of time on the sites with 0,8 and 0,6 hours per day on average. However, the average daily visits for Facebook and Twitter are the highest among fours social networking sites. Furthermore, Facebook and Twitter have the biggest market shares with respective percentage of 50,25% and 19,96%.
The average hours users spend everyday on Instagram and LinkedIn are 1,4 and 1,7 hours becoming the highest among four sites. By contrast, Instagram and LinkedIn show the lowest visits with averages of 16,6 and 7,2 times per day. The proportion of market controlled by these two sites are also the smallest, constituting 18,45% and 11,34%.