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Posts by inanutshell
Name: Saransh Grover
Joined: Jan 2, 2017
Last Post: Jan 2, 2017
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From: United States
School: NEST+m

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Jan 2, 2017
Undergraduate / Columbia is in one of the most happening and amazing cities in the world [3]

Would appreciate any help

Please tell us what you value most about Columbia and why. (300 words or less)

a place that I can relate to and which I can have a personal connection with

While Columbia has been ranked in the top 10 universities in the US for as long as I can remember, and while Columbia is in one of the most happening and amazing cities in the world, and while the university has the greatest alumni, from Barack Obama to Kate McKinnon, these are not the main reasons for my admiration towards Columbia University.

I believe that apart from being a great place to learn and grow, Columbia is a place that I can relate to and a place which I can have a personal connection with. I say this because after a campus visit and reading numerous articles online, I have come to realize that my beliefs are very similar to the beliefs of the university and I can connect with the college on a very personal level.

I strongly think that a well-rounded curriculum is necessary for the success of an individual. The Core curriculum at Columbia will not only be able to educate me in my choice of study, but will also be able to make me aware of some of the most important learnings of life. As a person who has a wide range of interests and wants to put his hand in multiple buckets while still having a coherent and definitive structure, I believe that Columbia's Core Curriculum is what sticks out for me.

Additionally, by being someone who has lived in three hemispheres of the world, I believe that the diversity at Columbia will not only help me gain perspective but will also help me to make great, talented acquaintances

When you ask me 'Why Columbia,' I respectfully ask you to read the above and then tell me why not?
Words entered: 284
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