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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is EssayForum.com?

Essay Forum is an online community established by professional academic writers, editors, and researchers to help both undergraduate and graduate students write, edit, and research their essays, term papers, research papers, book reports, poems, speeches, theses, and dissertations.

2. Who are the forum's moderators? What are their credentials?

The EssayForum moderators are highly educated current and former students (and professors) from US, Canadian, Australian, and British universities. They are also professional writers and researchers who contribute many of the essays and articles presented in different sections of our forum. We ensure that our authors' and moderators' credentials meet the highest possible academic standards. Find out more about us and our mission statement!

3. Can any student become an EssayForum member? Is it really free to join, or are there hidden strings?

Yes, membership is absolutely free. We welcome all students who need help with academic writing assignments of any kind: from high-school-level essays to doctoral dissertations.

4. Can I delete my own threads (and all posts within it)?

Yes, you can delete threads you have created at any time.

Note: If a thread has no comments from other members and it was created within the last 30 days, it can be deleted at no charge. If someone (including moderators and contributors) has already commented on your post, it may only be deleted after you purchase a credit.

5. I don't live in the US or Canada. Will you still be able to help me with my writing project?

Even though our staff is located in the US, UK, and Canada, we don't restrict membership according to nationality. We are happy to assist students from all over the world. The EssayForum Team has access to numerous academic materials and databases, so in most cases we should be able to answer your question, regardless of your geographic location.

6. How soon can I expect a reply to my post?

It depends upon the complexity of your question. However, most questions are answered within 24 hours at most.

7. Do you guarantee that someone will reply to my post?

While we strive not to leave any reasonable post unanswered, we cannot absolutely guarantee that you will receive a reply to your question. The most common reasons why we might not reply are:

  • Your question was too vague, or you didn't provide enough details to allow our moderators to write a knowledgeable response. The solution to this problem would be to edit your post and/or include more specifications to allow the moderators and other forum members understand your question.
  • Your question referred to very specific source/material that only you and other members of your class can access. The solution to this problem might be to seek paid professional writing support. Alternatively, you might investigate whether or not you can substitute other materials with which to do the assignment.
  • You requested that one of our moderators write a sample paper to give you a better idea of how to write your own paper. The solution to this problem would be to seek a Professional Writing Support.

8. Why do I have to answer another student's question before I can post my own? All I want is to get professional advice from one of EssayForum's moderators!

The reason is simple. Our goal is to encourage students just like you to actively participate in the discussions. Just by reading and thinking about another student's question you become a better student yourself. Remember that in all aspects of life - academic, professional, and the "real world" - solving a problem by giving adequate advice is what matters most. There's no better way to learn this skill than by helping other students through lively discussions at EssayForum.com!

Your active participation will also help us professionally answer your own questions faster!

9. Do you have any pre-written essays or term papers to sell?

No. We make every effort to provide original and helpful answers to your academic writing and research questions because we don't believe that recycled essays or vague ideas can adequately address your specific concerns or provide constructive research suggestions. That's why we either provide a thoughtful response to your post or welcome you to use a legitimate professional academic writing service.

10. May I use one of the articles or essays posted on EssayForum.com in my own paper?

Yes, you can use anything you find here. However, you should always remember to properly cite anything you use in the Reference Section of your paper so that you are not accused of plagiarism.

Here is how a proper reference should look like:
[Date of Access], Admin Contact: info@EssayForum.com, <EssayForum.com>.

11. Can you help me revise my essay, or give me feedback on it?

Absolutely! You may post your essay in the Essay Feedback section and have it commented upon by one of our experienced forum members.

Posting essays that have already been graded or commented upon by your instructor may be a great way of getting additional unbiased feedback from EssayForum members to help you learn how to ace your next paper.

12. How can I be guaranteed that my work I posted online will not be stolen?

Since the content of our website is available to the public and every page of this site may be indexed by search engines and/or subject to unauthorized copying, we cannot guarantee that "someone will not steal your work." Therefore, we recommend that you fill the "First & Last Name" field in your Preferences and/or post your essay with your name, initials, or other personally-identifiable information at the end of your message. If necessary, this information will enable your instructor to verify that you were the original author and copyright owner of the work you posted on Essay Forum (as long as, of course, you haven't copied the text from other sources).

In some cases, we may be able to provide your instructor with an additional proof that you were, in fact, the original author of the posted essay. In order to allow us to do that, you need to make sure that the email address in your Preferences is valid and correct.

13. I'm an excellent academic writer and researcher. Can I become an EssayForum moderator or author?

EssayForum is always looking for experienced and knowledgeable academic writers who can help students understand the ins and outs of academic writing and researching. Feel free to become an active forum member and start assisting other students by responding to their questions! You may also apply to be an EssayForum Contributor!

If you would like to become an accredited EssayForum moderator, please send your resume to: info@EssayForum.com.

14. How can I contact you?

1777 Crystal Ln
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Email: info@EssayForum.com

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