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Posts by sarah alqassab
Joined: Jan 17, 2017
Last Post: Jan 17, 2017
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From: Bahrain
School: saar secondary girls school

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sarah alqassab   
Jan 17, 2017
Scholarship / What you see yourself doing 5 years, 10 years after graduation. [2]

"I come in a world of iron to make a world of gold"

as Dale Wasserman said. Everyone in this life has a goal to achieve, but does everyone has a future goal, like what are they going to do after 10 or 2o years from now? In this essay I'm going to write about my future goals after 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years after graduation.

After graduation, I see myself opening an institute for people with disabilities, to help them improve their skills and share their ideas within each other. Through my leadership skills that I will gain from school and college, I will provide a powerful team that is collaborative and helpful, these skills will help improve the institute. The institute would be about developing the community that will make people with disabilities interact more with people around them and allow them to expand their skills throughout the community. We would have clubs like ( English club, art club, theatre club, sports club etc.). Each person will join one of the clubs based on their desire, and these clubs would help them improve their skills, share their ideas and feelings within team. The instructor would also join them that he would be a student too, also the students can be sometimes a teacher, this would build in themselves the qualities of a leader and they will feel more confident. Some of these people with disabilities are not confident with themselves and about their ideas, so they usually suffer from autism disease, we would solve this problem by interacting with them, and encouraging them to share their ideas and knowing their hobbies to improve it . This institute would help these people achieve in their lives in enhancing their skills and it can allow them to get a job easily.

To sum up, my future goals are about improving the community and building a community that is collaborative, skillful and confident and transform the world from iron to gold.
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