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Posts by amrenworth
Name: Amanda Worthington
Joined: Apr 10, 2017
Last Post: Apr 10, 2017
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From: United States of America

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Apr 10, 2017
Undergraduate / "A plethora of opportunities"- Waitlist Essay for UC Davis [3]

I was waitlisted at UC Davis and to accept a spot onto the list, I have to write a prompt on why "UC Davis is the right place for you to continue your education." The response can only be 200 words at maximum. Mine is at 195 words at the moment.

the degree in genetics

There aren't many universities that offer a degree in genetics and I was excited to discover that a school close to home offered the degree I wanted. Since I discovered my curiosity for genetics in my biology class, UC Davis became, and remains, my number one choice of colleges. Genetics is a fast growing field that I want to be a part of, so much so that I shadowed one of Davis' biological technicians, Shannon Waters. I visited her in her lab several times over my senior year of high school to ask questions about her work in animal genetics and to experience first hand if I want to pursue a career in a lab. My experience shadowing her has only made me more determined to succeed and gain an education in genetics.

I also find the diverse opportunities in campus clubs and organizations enticing and I'm excited to explore their possibilities. With such a diverse student body, I am certain I will find a place to fit in. I also look forward to building a unique skillset and resume through internship programs offered by one of the nation's leading universities in biological sciences.

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me advice! I really appreciate your help!
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