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Posts by Sami1994
Name: Samim Noori
Joined: Dec 5, 2020
Last Post: Dec 8, 2020
Threads: 1
Posts: 1  

From: Afghanistan
School: Istiqlal High school

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Dec 7, 2020
Scholarship / What is the hardest you have ever worked on something in your life? [4]

What is the hardest you have ever worked on something in your life?

Why did you decide to put your efforts in this undertaking? How has this experience and outcome impacted you and others? (Maximum 200 words)

The value of Education is something that I have understood since a very young age. Neither of I have an opportunity to attend University, And I Have faced many struggles in my personal life. The hardest time for me was that When I moved to another province for my Education purpose and future goals.

I was Eight years old child when I started working for my family to co-operate and help my father in beside working I had studied in school in that hard time. Unfortunately in sixteenth age I had stopped education due to security and financial problems I suppose to finish my High school earlier But I was not able to finish it because I did not attend school for five years, I get back to School again in 21 age unluckily in unsafe area or province of Country by the name of ''Jalalabad'' far away from my home, Every day I had to take couch bus from my home to School, It is all due to financial issues and where I live the schools was not giving me admission back because of my age.

I always try to help students' people around my school, specially impact on students of that province because I always try to teach them Math, English and another national Language which is dari, in Jalalabad Province People mostly speaks Pashto Language, they do not understand the dari language well.

In conclusion all my experience was great, struggling, difficulties and environment teach me a lot of things in life I can proudly say that I finished my High School with best grades.
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