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Posts by vivibimil
Name: Sasa
Joined: Jul 15, 2024
Last Post: Jul 15, 2024
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From: Moldova
School: ULIM

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Jul 15, 2024

its my first time writing something like this, were encouraged to write abt:Motivations with which you apply for this program
Educational background
Significant experiences you have had
Person or events that have had a significant influence on you
If applicable, describe awards you have received, publications you have made, or skills you have acquired, etc.
Others (e.g., extracurricular activities, community service, or work experiences)

also this is a draft, i want to include my work experience at my uni and attending a korean language center.
"Name, you should study, you should be the best in class and always put your studies above everything else!" is what my mom and aunt always used to say to me. They didn't had the same opportunities as most of us have now so from a young age, they have pushed me to study, to be better, to know everything in order for me to achieve the life I might once want. Back then, I was clueless, only studying for the thrill and the dopamine surge after seeing a good grade. After I grew up a little, back in middle school I realized why my parents were the way they were. Besides my mother, no one in my family received a university degree or even a high school diploma. Even my mother received her bachelor's degree at the age of 30. Thus, it was natural that they wanted me to be better than them, although they didn't always show it in a good way. I faced many obstacles in my studies, one of the biggest ones being not having the means and possibility to study what I liked, that being languages. Therefore my motivation for my application is reflected in the struggles I faced and the desire to ease similar barriers that other people might face in their studies.

One of the biggest challenges I faced in life was moving to a different school, house and city in 7th grade. I went from one of the best students in class to being on of the worse. It took me over a year to get back on track but this experience in an unfamiliar environment significantly shaped my character and resilience. Now I can easily control my emotions in stressful situations, face any problems head on and get over things very easily. That dark period made me more optimistic and ambitious. I was an anxious and lonely child and only started to come out of my shell in 8th grade. I realized that my poor grades were not due to a lack of study but because I was too shy to participate actively in class. Determined to improve, I made a conscious effort to change. I started talking more in class, responding to the teacher's questions and was always eager to participate in extracurricular activities like group competitions and class projects. These experiences strengthened my social skills and leadership abilities. However, when I reaching high school, I realized I didn't had any dream job. While many of my classmates were talking about pursuing careers as lawyers or doctors and whatnot, I was too focused on achieving good grades to make my parents proud.

I started developing a love for languages when my father suggested I consider becoming a translator. He realized I have potential, given that I became fluent in English only by reading books online in 2 years only. Following his advice, I applied to the only university in my country offering a major in Translation and Interpretation in English-Korean. I chose Korean because I was already somewhat familiar with the language; I had learned the alphabet a few years ago and could understand very basic things. My interest in Korean began in 5th grade, and I was captivated by the language, at first because of the unique alphabet and way of writing and then by the phonological aspect of the language. It was the first time in my life when I wanted to study for my own pleasure. Unfortunately, I couldn't study Korean by myself at the time due to a lack of resources in Romanian so I had to held onto my dream of learning Korean until I began studying it at university in 2022.

My major primarily focused on English linguistics, which I quickly realized became a challenge in balancing Korean language studies with other classes. In my first year, this led to a dip in my grades, and despite knowing that grades don't always reflect true knowledge, I was disappointed. Nevertheless, I knew that if I set my mind to something, I will always do my best and get it done, thus with discipline, motivation and many sleepless night, I got better and better at Korean. I decided to apply for an exchange program to Korea that my university offers, which involved studying there for one semester. After months of intense preparation and extensive paperwork, I arrived in Korea. My 9 year old dream finally came true. This experience was a significant milestone, as studying in Korea, known for its excellent education system, was a great opportunity for me to expand my knowledge, to gain new experiences and skills.

Adapting to Korean lifestyle and culture was relatively smooth, even though it was my first time leaving my home country. My familiarity with the culture, society, and language prior to my arrival helped immensely. I spent a semester at X National University, which was one of the happiest periods of my life. It was the first time I truly enjoyed studying, taking exams, and embracing university life. The positive experience at X National University motivated me to apply again to this university. I believe that being already familiar with the campus and facilities will help me adapt to the international student life.
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