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Posts by rowen_4
Joined: Dec 15, 2009
Last Post: Dec 15, 2009
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From: Yemen

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Dec 15, 2009
Undergraduate / My grandfather --a person or event that has had a profound effect upon your life [2]

My grandfather --a person or event that has had a profound effect upon your life

GUYs i really need your help.. please read and i need comments on my style .. essay due the 18th

As I was building a paper plane, an old man entered the house, my mother and Father welcomed him and as soon as he saw me he said "Way to go son, now you are building a paper plane and am sure in the near future you will be building an aircraft" I was 7 years old and I remember that was the first time I met him. I heard a lot about him as he is a very famous and well respected person in the community and country. I did not know that this person will be by far the most influential person in my life.

As a person, I was really inspired and influenced with what he did in his life. I remember him telling me once "start each day with a goal you got to achieve or at least learn a new skill, and if a day passed without achieving the goal you set and without learning a new skill then you have wasted a day of your life, make sure you do not waste a lot of days" . He was the best example of a hard worker. He used to sleep only 4 hours a day. For a person at his age that's unhealthy but to him sleeping was a way of killing time and as he always says "sleeping is wasting time that could be used to get knowledge". What I could say now is yes grand father you proved to me how important time is. In his 68 years, he has accomplished a lot more than group of people would accomplish in 100 years. He instilled the value of time in my heart.

I still remember that day, when I was ten, when I grabbed a chair and sat beside my grand father in his office. I could see how happy his employers were for having him around. Everyday people go to his office with anger off their faces arguing on complicated problems and situations that is happening, which they got no solution to. But then as soon as they present the problem, they start hearing his words that are full of wisdom. They soon leave his office smiling. He usually starts his day off by a situation like that. Such situations were so meaningful to me because making people happier is a great deal for me. The way he dealt with people was so simple but still I have never seen a person that does the way he did. He was always there for anybody who needed help. He taught me how to manage between hard working seeking one self's goal and working for the people. He always used to say to me "a person who works for sake of the people is born great, lives great and dies great and the person who works for his own self's is born small and dies small" . He is a person whose vision is to help people and tries to be an important part of the nation's renaissance.

After Spending a lot of time with such an ambitious person, I wanted to know more about his past, I had to my dad. I found out that he was raised in the historical town of Shibam which is famous for its old skyscrapers. He then moved to the capital but his soul was connected to his home town and heritage. He wanted to see a person who is going to do a similar construction to what our ancestors did but with modern standards. This was one of his wishes to see Yemen one of the countries that is famous for its various structures and distinct architecture. I am trying my best to be the person my grand father was looking for, for years.

The worst moments that passed through my life is in the winter of 2008. When I was in the US, I received a call from my father saying that my grand father passed away. I was so shocked that I couldn't speak and sleep. I really couldn't stop tears from coming down. As the days passed by I started to realize that the only way that am going to make my grandpa happy is to be great as he was and walk on his path and make his wishes come true.
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