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Posts by krisk
Joined: Feb 21, 2008
Last Post: Mar 1, 2008
Threads: 1
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From: florida

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Feb 21, 2008
Research Papers / Trouble narrowing a topic on the Vietnam war [3]

I just can't seem to get the idea of narrowing a topic but not making it too limited. Actually, the whole idea of the research paper escapes me. Still, I want to try. If one is assigned a genreral topic like the vietnam war how does one narrow it without limiting it oo much especially if it's not a subject one knows anything about nor is interested in? How about if the assignment topic is a person but the instructions say don't give me a bigtaphy. I could use help specifically with both these topics and in general with the idea on how to narrow and then what. I've never written a paper before. I am 50. Thank you for taking the time to read this. What a wonderful resource.
Mar 1, 2008
Research Papers / Trouble narrowing a topic on the Vietnam war [3]

Dear Sarah(EssayForum.com),

Thank you so much for your suggestions and the encouraging words. I will try to get started with some of these ideas. If I have trouble I will return to the sight. I think it is wonderful such a sight exists. I can't say I see all clearly now but I feel a bit closer to seeing some of the picture. Thank you, KrisK.
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