Oct 19, 2010
Undergraduate / 'Unless someone like you cares a whole lot...' - Spelman Admission Essay [5]
Dr. Seuss said that 'Unless someone like you cares a whole lot nothing is going to get better. It's not.' This ostensibly childish quote says more than any highly educated scholar ever could, because it's true; No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. I've always known what I wanted to do when I grew up, and it wasn't to be a Princess or Superhero, it was to change the world for the better and I honestly believe that I can. My life has been the continuous process of trying and failing, but while I've yet to be completely successful at everything that I've attempted I know that I've given my greatest effort. I haven't made all A's nor have I passed every class, but I did try my best and gave my all in every course that I've taken. I've always loved math, it's my favorite subject, but math has never seemed to love me in return. I never truly grasped what I was doing, I'm the student that asks a million questions and for the teacher to further explain what was just said, because I just don't understand. I'd always managed to make a decent grade and pass the exams, but it wasn't until my sophomore year did math and I have our true confrontation. I was taking Algebra II and I was surrounded by freshman in what was suppose to be a Sophomore class and unlike me they were all on good terms with math. I spent hours doing homework, staying after school, and asking questions trying to understand what I was doing, but my attempts were unsuccessful. For the first time in my life I received an F on my report card; I felt that math had betrayed me. The following year I retook the course at a lower level and passed with a B and I'd never been more excited about a grade in my existence. 'Help myself so I can help others and help others help themselves' this was one of the golden rules in my house. College has never been an option for me; it's mandatory and if I see someone in need of assistance that I can supply then I'm to do so. For some that seems the natural reaction, but surprisingly it's not. I haven't yet made a remarkable impact in the world, but I've endeavored to help with everything that I have. I'm the President of the Youth Department at my church and an active member of various community service clubs at my school and while we can't do much we do what we can; from serving spaghetti dinners, raising money to donate to various causes, hosting Car washes, food drives, clothing collections, and highway clean ups. I know that these small actions won't change the world, but they might change someone's world. My Life is my message and it will be my mark on this earth and I am determined to let it be a positive one.
Dr. Seuss said that 'Unless someone like you cares a whole lot nothing is going to get better. It's not.' This ostensibly childish quote says more than any highly educated scholar ever could, because it's true; No one can do everything, but everyone can do something. I've always known what I wanted to do when I grew up, and it wasn't to be a Princess or Superhero, it was to change the world for the better and I honestly believe that I can. My life has been the continuous process of trying and failing, but while I've yet to be completely successful at everything that I've attempted I know that I've given my greatest effort. I haven't made all A's nor have I passed every class, but I did try my best and gave my all in every course that I've taken. I've always loved math, it's my favorite subject, but math has never seemed to love me in return. I never truly grasped what I was doing, I'm the student that asks a million questions and for the teacher to further explain what was just said, because I just don't understand. I'd always managed to make a decent grade and pass the exams, but it wasn't until my sophomore year did math and I have our true confrontation. I was taking Algebra II and I was surrounded by freshman in what was suppose to be a Sophomore class and unlike me they were all on good terms with math. I spent hours doing homework, staying after school, and asking questions trying to understand what I was doing, but my attempts were unsuccessful. For the first time in my life I received an F on my report card; I felt that math had betrayed me. The following year I retook the course at a lower level and passed with a B and I'd never been more excited about a grade in my existence. 'Help myself so I can help others and help others help themselves' this was one of the golden rules in my house. College has never been an option for me; it's mandatory and if I see someone in need of assistance that I can supply then I'm to do so. For some that seems the natural reaction, but surprisingly it's not. I haven't yet made a remarkable impact in the world, but I've endeavored to help with everything that I have. I'm the President of the Youth Department at my church and an active member of various community service clubs at my school and while we can't do much we do what we can; from serving spaghetti dinners, raising money to donate to various causes, hosting Car washes, food drives, clothing collections, and highway clean ups. I know that these small actions won't change the world, but they might change someone's world. My Life is my message and it will be my mark on this earth and I am determined to let it be a positive one.