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Posts by baboons
Joined: Dec 15, 2011
Last Post: Dec 15, 2011
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Dec 15, 2011
Undergraduate / 'Architecture is something' - my "why tulane" essay [3]

I realize it's way way too long, some parts need reworking, and I may come off as overzealous or possibly a tad fake? I was wondering if anyone could tell me how the content is and it adequately conveyed that I really really really really want to go to Tulane.


Architecture is something I have been interested in my entire life, I have notebooks from fourth grade filled with facade elevation drawings and floor plans, though the specificity and commitment of a possible career in architecture is something that always scared me. Over the past few months I have spoken with architects and taken an architectural drawing independent study in hopes of gathering information about the field. I've decided it's definitely something I want to pursue in college. The Tulane School of Architecture is incredible. Its hands on approach from conception and planning to building is like no other in the country. Tulane is known for its quality and passion of their professors as well as their focus on undergraduate students. There is no better place to study architecture than New Orleans. Because I have only recently decided to further my interest in architecture, I fear I don't have a portfolio or technical drawing skills comparable to other students. As a a confused high school senior who isn't ready to commit to something so specific, the fact that I can take architecture classes and learn more about it without currently having a very comprehensive portfolio is something that really appeals to me. I love that all undergrads are enrolled in Newcomb-Tulane College and how flexible this makes academics, allowing students to explore different fields of study and easily switch their majors if they have to. This seems like something unique to Tulane and I just get the feeling that they treat the academic needs and interests of their students better than other universities. If admitted to Tulane I also plan on exploring educational opportunities in the Freeman School of Business, which I know is also a phenomenal program.

I realize Tulane is an academic institution, and of course that is the primary reason I want to attend, but New Orleans is amazing and it is where I want to be. I've lived in a small town in Maine my entire life, and though I've enjoyed it, I really want to take this opportunity to experience something completely different. I am a music, art, and food enthusiast. The abundance of these three things is what I love most about cities. New Orleans is unique in that these things are completely ingrained in the local culture. There is a wonderland of entertainment and cultural attractions practically on the doorstep of the campus. Spending time in an environment like that would make me glow like a kid on Christmas morning, just thinking about it makes me so excited! The fact that there is an aquarium, zoo, and golf course close by in Audubon Park is just another bonus for me. Even if I wasn't enrolled in college, it would be the type of place I would want to live in.

With all of the offerings close by, Tulane still boasts one of the most beautiful campuses and has some of the best facilities. I love the community service programs and cultural diversity the school provides, these two things are a big reason why I opted to attend my current school and I wish to be in a college a environment which offers the same opportunities. Tulane students take such pride in their school and I have heard so many great things from students about their overall happiness and quality of life. Tulane has absolutely one hundred percent of what I want out of my college experience; academically, and socially. I have matured a lot in the past few years and Tulane is the perfect place for me to continue my growth. I want it to be part of the Green Wave community so badly. Tulane is literally my dream school.
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