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Posts by ychun10
Joined: Dec 23, 2011
Last Post: Dec 26, 2011
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From: Korea, Republic of

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Dec 26, 2011
Undergraduate / "Good art sends a different message" [3]

"Good art sends a different message to everyone. Good design sends the same message to everyone." It is a quotation from web designer John O'Nolan's web design poster. It inspired me to think about what I would like to do in the future. Choosing what I want to be in the future and what I need to study for that is not an easy decision to make. However, I am assured that I love to appropriately communicate my message to an audience through my designs. Studying this course would be the best opportunity for me to realize my ambitious.

I studied in the diagnostic pathway at Central Saint Martins, before choosing to specialize in Graphic communication Design. This disciplines me in the way of creating uniqueness and eliciting a feeling to inspire others. It is appropriated for me to communicate a message. I want others to be touched by my visual communication.

My strengths are typography, photography and line drawings. Typography is what I enjoy and I am most interested in. I love how letter designs affect and help to comprehend the message. Out of various projects I have done in Foundation course, 3D constructed typography was the most successful uncomplicated communication visual work. I created letter B with the image of banana skin and ended up with photography on the street. This one letter B precisely presents the image of a banana and describes the first inspiration that I have got from our living condition. I believe combining the words and visual works assists a powerful communication. Photography is the most special part for me. It is a practical way to document, research and enables me to have a broader perspective. Also, photography lends a hand to understand the works. Like my Banana skin Letter B stands out on the street, where and how to take picture is another important skill. I was very inspired by "Wall Drawing 1185" from "Sol Lewitt: Wall Drawings in Studio G7". All different pencils' level of brightness and thickness mightily influences and amazes me. I think line drawing is a useful technique to express all the details with the simple lines. And I believe theses are useful skills in graphic design.

The most important reason why I wish to pursue this course is for preparing my future career. I aim to be a magazine editor. I would like to design visual communication for magazine publishing. This career is suitable for using my strengths. I am sure this course is the one for me to make a creative designer.
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