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Posts by CQAPP
Joined: Jan 8, 2013
Last Post: Jan 8, 2013
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From: United States of America

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Jan 8, 2013
Undergraduate / Developing friendships and leaderships -Reason for transferring, objective to achieve [3]

The main reason for my decision to transfer is that I found I really can't maximize my potential at current university. It's not because the instructors and professors of this university are not that good but because the people around me are not such competitive academically to stimulate me to try my best to achieve my goals. The requirement for international admission to my current university is somewhat low in undergraduate studying period so that some people around me came in to this college without much effort and some of them focus more on the cool cars and expensive even luxury clothes but not studying or joining some meaningful activities or volunteer works. I've not been affected a lot but still feel uncomfortable and sometimes lack of incentive to make a big progress. I do have some close and great friends but what I want is not just couple of excellent students like them but a notably academically oriented student body and a superior academic atmosphere, in which I can be totally encouraged and obliged more dedication and diligence and I realise UMICH satiate my desire that the strong and tremendous engineering program, which is overall even better than that of my current university, can stimulate me to excel myself academically. Besides the academic goal I plan to achieve in future life, I also look forward to being a well rounded person instead of a nerd. Although I play basketball, play some guitar, swim, keep working out and have joined some organizations like the Chinese Students and Scholars Association, but I am just first year in college so that I haven't done good and deep enough to a specific one. What I want to do in following years is to devote myself to one organization or club and make as much contribution as I can to make it work better and enjoy developing friendships and leaderships as well.
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