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Name: Te
Joined: Oct 29, 2013
Last Post: Oct 29, 2013
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Oct 29, 2013
Writing Feedback / People are both alike and different in many ways; COMPARE & CONTRAST - two friends [2]

People are alike and different in many ways. Each person has specific characteristics. My friends T.J and Kelsy both have key similarities and differences. T.J and Kelsy both have brown hair, wear glasses and have an older sibling. However they are different in many ways including: their life goals, favorite activities and physical attributes.

Kelsy and T.J both enjoy going to school, however after high school they want to do completely different things. T.J wants to attend Princeton University for college whereas Kelsy is still undecided. T.J wants to become a famous writer after college while Kelsy wants to become a famous actress. T.J and Kelsy both enjoy reading and writing stories. Their love for writing helps them both expresses themselves by using their writing styles.

Kelsy enjoys the outdoors and taking photographs while T.J enjoys staying indoors and reading. Kelsy is an animal lover and has multiple cats where T.J does not have any pets. Kelsy and T.J nonetheless have similarities such as they both have an older sibling in the 12th grade. Kelsy and T.J also have similar physical attributes such as wearing glasses and having brown hair.

The reasons for similarities and differences between people include: Their parents, living environment, and groups of friends. Parents can influence their children physically and mentally. Parents pass on genetic traits such as eye color, hair color and body type while also influencing their children by setting example of how to act around others, what type of clothes to wear, colleges to support or biases against political figures. Living environment influences children's similarities and differences by showing what is accepted by other children how others around a person act, and by following popular trends. Last effect on children's similarities and differences is friends as influences. Friends can shape a person's similarities by showing new fashion ideas or even showing differences of thoughts and ideas. Friends have many similarities and differences; however are never the same as anyone else.
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