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Posts by ebhavaniprasad
Name: Bhavani Prasad
Joined: Aug 22, 2016
Last Post: Aug 22, 2016
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From: India
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Aug 22, 2016
Writing Feedback / Reading of fictional stories can be more enjoyable and beneficial than watching movies. [2]

Reading fiction (such as novels and short stories) is more enjoyable than watching movies.

Enjoyment is a very important part of our lives. Regardless of how much we are successful, enjoyment always gives us a best feeling. Some people think that watching movies are more enjoyable than reading fictions; others disagree. In my opinion, reading fiction books are more enjoyable than watching movies for two important reasons.

Firstly, reading fiction books is more enjoyable, because it improves our imagination power.
Most of the reader will have a creative mindset when compared to other people, and it states that reading fiction books enhance our visualization ability. For instance, I am a avid reader of books and I like to read whenever I find a free time, I have observed one important thing after reading a fiction book that I have created a image in mind as I comprehend the story.

Hence, reading the fictional books can enhance our ability of creative thinking and better comprehending the situation.

Secondly, reading the story books can enhance our writing skills and it can be helpful to write better. In fact, reading the fiction stories can make us to retain the better structuring of thought while we are writing. For example, reading of books can make us to focus on the writing semantics and it can improve our writing skills and make us understand better grammar usage in the context. Thus, reading the stories can helps in enhancing the writing skills and better understanding of word usage.

In conclusion, reading of fictional stories can be more enjoyable and beneficial, and it can improves our imagination power, and writing skills. Enjoyment comes when their is progress and satisfaction in doing the best thing. Therefore, reading the fiction stories can be enjoyable than watching movies.
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