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"health" again for my school leaving examination :) [3]
Health is one of the most important things in life. It can determine the way you live your life. In general, people concern about their health. However the question is how much do they care about and when do they really notice that they are healthy or not? Usually people would not think about their health until they have lost it.
One example: a long time ago, people ate foods which were very good for their health. They also had time to cook their own foods.
But these days, everyone is busy and do not have time to cook. People eat foods which are easily to cook or already cooked. They do not even think of what they eat, and if it can affect their health or not. Readymade foods can contain ingredients that are added to increase the shelf-life. Healthy foods can be found in fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and seafood. There are also people who limit their alimentation to only vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and things like them. They are called vegetarian and they do not eat meat and other products of animal slaughter.
In my opinion people should put an end to vegetarianism because people, who do not eat meat, cannot get enough proteins, which they need for their health.
Another example how people damage their life is smoking. Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 10 years or more. So how come people are still lighting up? The answer, in a word, is addiction. Smoking is a hard habit to break because tobacco contains nicotine, which is highly addictive.
Smoking can also cause fertility problems and impact sexual health in both men and women.
Likewise smoking leads to bad skin, bad hair and bad-smelling clothes and hair.