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Essay about proving that experience is greater than books. - Feedback [2]
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Question : Are books better than experience?
- Experience is far greater
- Actually taking an action whether or not it fails or succeeds is uncomparable to just reading a book.
- People learn faster by experiencing.
- Experience makes us think about our wrongs and rights.
- Specialization cannot be achieved without experience.
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A book contains experience of an author who wrote it, and it helps people to learn.
Books are simple and interesting inventions. Just by reading them and taking time to assess the teachings of books help people, and people gladly read, enjoy, and learn from them. However, not many people think about the authors who wrote books, and when asked about how authors could write the books, most people think that authors are trained professionals who are specialized in writing. The truth is, in fact, the authors are not always specialized in writing. Another fact that cannot be denied, is that authors went through experience, which enabled them to channel their own experience to their piece of writings. Thus, people cannot be authors without experience.
Experience is best teacher, and those who are willing to take experience are best disciples. Books definitely help, none can deny the fact. But knowledge people learn from books are actually severely limited in that books are only for eyes to read and brain to think. Bodies cannot learn from books, and muscles cannot remember the actions in books, since muscles are not part of body which performs the reading. For example, reading a book about certain job is totally different, when compared to getting into that certain job and taking a part in it. Exchange of different emotions, conflicts with superviser, and knowing whom to trust and whom to avoid are experiences that cannot be learned from books.
Books can help people with variety of information, but people need to march frontline in order to make the information from book theirs. Also, books are written by authors who all have different perspectives and thoughts. Without strong self-belief, people often get confused by many different perspectives, and this problem can be solved through experience. By applying the knowledges written in books, people learn whether or not the methods and beliefs suit their own thoughts and beliefs. After getting clear self perspective through valuable experiences, people develop themselves even more.
Before mastering the system, professionals were people who once had unclear self perspectives about their own job. However, after experiecing countless trial and errors, people who were once apprentices before are now masters, or professionals. A specialization cannot be achieved by just reading books. A specialization is achieved by overcoming hardships and trial-and-errors.
With reasons above, it is clear that experience is far greater than books. Without mistakes and feedbacks upon it, people cannot learn. Without conflicts, people cannot find solutions to problems. Without being scolded by superiors, people cannot become efficient workers. And finally, without hardships, people cannot become professionals.
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