Aug 15, 2012
Essays / How to pose the thesis & structure: Intervention in Bosnia, Rwanda and Somalia. [3]
"peacekeeping operations failed in Rwanda and Somalia due to internal state politics, affecting the international community response"
Somalia failed because the US didn't want more American soldier deaths overseas for a war that wasn't in its 'national interest'
Rwanda failed because the US (and the UN) didn't want another Somalia
But at the same time (same time frame), the US, UN and entire internatinoal community put resources towards the peacekeeping effort in the former Yugoslavia.
Really, I'm trying to wrap this multi-dimensional question/statement into a nicely written out and easy to understand thesis.
1. Rwanda failed because of Somalia, but Bosnia succeeded. Mostly because there was a greater concern of security and strategic interest at stake in the former Yugoslavia. \\
So, I could actually state that the UN and its member States aren't actually interested in humanitarian affairs or crimes against humanity (generally, the charter of the UN), but instead international events that affect the member State in regards to security, strategic interest, international relations and economics.
"peacekeeping operations failed in Rwanda and Somalia due to internal state politics, affecting the international community response"
Somalia failed because the US didn't want more American soldier deaths overseas for a war that wasn't in its 'national interest'
Rwanda failed because the US (and the UN) didn't want another Somalia
But at the same time (same time frame), the US, UN and entire internatinoal community put resources towards the peacekeeping effort in the former Yugoslavia.
Really, I'm trying to wrap this multi-dimensional question/statement into a nicely written out and easy to understand thesis.
1. Rwanda failed because of Somalia, but Bosnia succeeded. Mostly because there was a greater concern of security and strategic interest at stake in the former Yugoslavia. \\
So, I could actually state that the UN and its member States aren't actually interested in humanitarian affairs or crimes against humanity (generally, the charter of the UN), but instead international events that affect the member State in regards to security, strategic interest, international relations and economics.