Undergraduate /
Excellence is a prime weapon of a dexter person; "excellence is a habit" [4]
Excellence is a prime weapon of a dexter person,they use it everytime whenever they get the opportunity to show it. it is a habit and it should be devoloped .
It is the quality that can be controlled only by habit and rigrous practices .
Excellence is the intellectual power which drives us to achieve the goal .it is the power which need to devoloped or make a habit since childhood.an excellence which brings the power to work with elan and enthusiasm , a confidence booster . a excellent man does his job with more percise and with more integrity.
people usually think that excellence is conginital or genetic but it can be achieved by practice, your habit and hard work.excellence seeks constrain , constrain in certain direction or certain quality of behaviour.
you can devolope it at any point of time but it can be devolope when you start believing in yourself, your power, your passion all can be brought by excellence.
some people get it in inherit for them it is too easy to achieve certain goal ,but people who have not got that quality they have to work harder to devolope or make it their companion
. It can be devoped by minimizing sycophanty or adulacy towards other people.
shakira is a well known singer in musical industry, today she is one of the most well known or renownd female singers,but she had certain problem in life like she was not a heed girl in her young age .she was thrown out from music coaching ,but later point of time she devoloped that much excellence . today people know her by her excellence.
when you are preparing to participate in a olympic before that you have to generate that quality that excellence to bring the level your excellency to get something.
we have a great example of Usain volt who is one of fastest runner in the world but even he did not have that capibility , you have to devolop and make it your habit.
so excellence is the power which can make you a great man, a adroit ,a dexter person in any of the field if you devolope it. it can be devoloped at any point of time.
mainly depending on the your habit to learn
, make habit as your companian, it will be with you . it is everlasting and be with you in form of excellence.