Essays /
Landscapes; geographical concepts of Place and Scale. Need some Guideline on how to write this essay [7]
Drawing on one of the following themes:
- Urban Landscapes;
- Tourism Landscapes;
- Arts Landscapes;
- Heritage Landscapes;
- Public Housing Landscapes;
- Landscapes of the Elderly;
- Immigration Landscapes;
- Economic Landscapes.
Employing the geographical concepts of Place and Scale, critically evaluate on the future of a country. How feasible is that vision for your selected theme? Provide an alternative solution to the theme you have chosen.
I would like to focus my essay on transport network of a particular country let said thailand but does it belong to one of the themes? Urban or Economic landscape? or none of the above?
I would also like to know what should I write for each paragraph (the main focus in each paragraph)
First paragraph - Introduction? explanation of the themes chosen?
Second paragraph -??? Problem?
Third paragraph - ??? Problem?
Last parapgrah - solution
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your assistance.