I assume most of you guys have already read these best-seller novels. For those of you who haven't, In Cold Blood is written by Truman Capote and is a non-fiction book about two convicts who killed a family in Kansas. The killers are Dick and Perry and the novel focuses on their past history and what made them criminals. They are realistic criminals because they actually exist!
The Green Mile, written by Stephen King, on the other hand, is a novel which takes place in a penetentiary with different types of murderers. Some convicts in the story are: Delacroix (raped little girls and then burned them down to hide evidence. He killed five others in the fire), Willy Wharton (commited numerous crimes, natural trouble maker, shot many civilians, raped girls), Chief (killed a person when he was drunk at a bar), Arthur aka The President (convicted of killing his father in an insurance-fraud scheme) and another woman who killed her husband becase he cheated on her.
My assignment is:
How do Stephen King's fictional characters (killers) compare to Truman Capote's depiction of real-life killers, Dick and Perry? Does Stephen King create believable killers? Consider the level of violence and the nature of each crime. Use specific examples to support your analysis.
Thanks a lot! This site has always been a great help.
The Green Mile, written by Stephen King, on the other hand, is a novel which takes place in a penetentiary with different types of murderers. Some convicts in the story are: Delacroix (raped little girls and then burned them down to hide evidence. He killed five others in the fire), Willy Wharton (commited numerous crimes, natural trouble maker, shot many civilians, raped girls), Chief (killed a person when he was drunk at a bar), Arthur aka The President (convicted of killing his father in an insurance-fraud scheme) and another woman who killed her husband becase he cheated on her.
My assignment is:
How do Stephen King's fictional characters (killers) compare to Truman Capote's depiction of real-life killers, Dick and Perry? Does Stephen King create believable killers? Consider the level of violence and the nature of each crime. Use specific examples to support your analysis.
Thanks a lot! This site has always been a great help.