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Help with title for essay about why the book "Cut" by Patricia McCormick shouldn't be banned

JessicaEve728 1 / -  
Apr 6, 2016   #1
For my English class, we had to choose a book from a banned books list and then write an essay on why we think it should/should not be banned. I chose to read "Cut" by Patricia McCormick which is about a 15 year old girl named Callie who is in a treatment facility for self harm and will not talk to anyone including her therapist. She eventually begins to talk and soon realizes why she cuts and that she does want to stop and get better. For the title, I need a catchy hook that is 3 to 5 words but I cannot think of a good one that incorporates the subject of the book AND the subject of the essay. Any suggestions?
kev510 3 / 6  
Apr 7, 2016   #2
It would be hard to suggest a good title without the essay (or without even knowing if you plan to support the ban or go against it). Perhaps if you wrote the essay first, we can figure out a fitting title for it, instead of coming up with a title and then writing the essay to fit it. What do you think?
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
Apr 8, 2016   #3
Jessica, I presume that you were asking about a catchy hook. Well, it depends on what the whole story of the book simply means. For example, the book that you have read talks about a story of a little girl who never speaks, then eventually begin speaking for no reason at all. I notice a missing fact that you did not tell us about what happened with the girl before she is willing to speak. Then, if I might say, perhaps the suitable hook for this book is a quote from Stephen Hawking.

- "However bad life may seem, there is always something you can do, and succeed at. While there's life, there is hope."

Yet, it conveys many words, not 3 or 5 words.

or this one, Martin Luther King, Jr.

- "We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."

However, I prefer to give a hook about 'hope', because I assume that this girl is actually hopeless at the beginning. She does not want to talk at all, but then she eventually begin to speak, because she has found a hope.

As you can see Jessica, I hope you get some inspirations after reading my feedback.

Good luck with your assignments! :)
aj2012 2 / 6  
Apr 15, 2016   #4
It is hard to come up with a good title without knowing the your essay, but I will give it a try.

to see truth, we must be willing to accept

to find the answers to our pain, we must search within

I hope this helps.

Home / Book Reports / Help with title for essay about why the book "Cut" by Patricia McCormick shouldn't be banned
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