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THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS - thesis statement and three topic sentences

Urban Rival 1 / -  
Apr 12, 2011   #1
i need thesis statement and three topic sentences i will be so glade if some one help me its about Khalid hosseini book THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS. This will be essay Question.

1. Why does Mariam refuse to call witnesses at her trial? Why didn't she try to escape with Laila and Tariq? Do you think Mariam made the right decision? Even though her life was hard, Mariam wishes for more of it in the end. Why do you think that is?
EF_Kevin 8 / 13321 129  
Apr 14, 2011   #2
Yes, this is a good way to practice. So, think of a topic sentence first. Actually, they want you to answer their questions, so I guess you should make topic sentences out of the answers:

Why does Mariam refuse to call witnesses at her trial?
Why didn't she try to escape with Laila and Tariq?
Do you think Mariam made the right decision?
Even though her life was hard, Mariam wishes for more of it in the end. Why do you think that is?

The teacher should allow you to do 4 topic sentences for the 4 questions. Answer each question with a sentence, and each sentence will be a paragraph topic sentence.

When you have done that much, post it, and we will see if we can help!

fm_rainbow 2 / 3  
Apr 15, 2011   #3
1. I think why Mariam refused to call witnesses at her trial because her guilty feeling to Laila's son, Zalmai. Eventhough Rasheed was so cruel to them, but he's still Zalmai's father. She took Zalmai's Happiness. The other side, i think it was freedom for Mariam. Freedom from abusing.

I think it was the first time for Mariam to feel as human especially feeling as women that have a right.

2. After i read that novel. i noticed that Mariam is good woman. She could live to them, because her responsibility for what she did. She killed Zalmai's father and how can she live to them if everyday, she must hear Zalmai asked where his father.

3. I think it is a complex question. Women have minority right. Generally, women just stay at home and no education. They can't go outside without a man. It makes that women didn't have any future plan. Mariam thought there was no future for her and why she must ran with Laila and Tariq if her future was end. But, for everything she thought, i think she should defended herself. Everyone (women and men) have the same right of law.

4. Everyone have different meaning of happiness. For Mariam, the happiness is her time with Jalil. When Jalil came to her house,when they went fishing, when Jalil talked a story to him. She felt Jalil gave his love to her. She was also feel that from Aziza. How Aziza love make her feeling as human. There is cherish, love and protection.
bmo - / 1  
Jan 27, 2014   #4
Help with thesis statement for 'a thousand splendid suns' - discrimination against women

Hello, I need help beginning my thesis statement for my essay on the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. I'm deciding between the topics of 'discrimination against women/women's rights' or 'the strength of women'. My position on either topic is in favor of women and their equality however I need a little start. Not sure what angle to approach this on, Help!
nanosuit 4 / 8 1  
Jan 28, 2014   #5
My advice: start writing!

Once you start writing ideas will pour in.Later when you are comfortable with what you've written you can cut something out that doesn't seem to belong there, and add something that you think will be relevant .You can write a lot on this topic.Good luck :)

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