Hi! I'm in grade 12 and I hav to do an essay on the differences in hamlets character. I don't really know what points I could make and I'd appreciate the help. Thanks!! This is the question.
"The Hamlet who returns to Denmark in act V can be at all points distinguished from his earlier passionate and indecisive self. He is a new man." Discuss.
I remember reading Hamlet when I was a senior in high school too. Read Tom Stoppard's play, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, if you get a chance.
Of all Shakespeare's characters, I think Hamlet has been dealt the worst blows. He has to make tough decisions based on little knowledge. And the worst part is that he thinks he is going mad. (I relate to that part in many many ways.) That alone makes decisions extremely difficult.
I think many would disagree with the assertion. What does he do or say that's passionate in Act V? What does he do that's indecisive? or bad decisions?
I'm actually having a hard time thinking of any Shakespeare character who becomes a "new man." Shakespeare's bad guys usually don't turn into good ones and vice versa. Characters and personalities are hard items to change--even in a play.
Thank you very much for your help chalumeau. I never thought about the other side of this argument. Instead of agreeing with this statement I could try the other side of the argument that hamlet does not actually become a new man.