The Rutgers Business school PhD program has a 300-500 word limit on the Statement of Purpose. However much I try, my word count stays around 750.
Do you think I should stick to their given limit? Is it going to count against me, if I exceed?
Any input is appreciated.
I've questioned these word limits myself. I know it's really hard to cut something down when you think it's perfect the way it is. I think it would probably be fine if you went a slightly over the limit, but 750 words is quite a bit. It may help to skin it down a little. Although it probably wouldn't count too much against you, the admissions people might not read all of it, thus your point may not come off a strong as you want.
This is just my opinion, but I hoped it helped. :)
Although I am uncertain for PHD programs, usually the word limit stands for +-10%. Since it states 300-500 words and not around 500 words, the admin might want below or equal to 500.
I'm sure that you could reduce it somehow, often it's cutting down a few nonessential details that'll do the trick.
If I were you, I would not exceed 500 words.
Thanks guys. I'll work on it.
i think that it doesn't matter for them if you write more than they limit you
but if u stick in what they said
it will be better
i have re-written this so many times...i am down to 530 now...can't seem to reduce more :(
Yes, you have to get it within that limit. It is not always good to have more words. You need to be able to express a point within 1,000 words, 500 words, 300 words, or 100 words... or even one word!
That is part of the challenge. Good luck!! I know it is hard.
Did it...490 words!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Knew you could do it. Best of luck!!! :D