When to capitalize (camel case) words?
Hi, I am writing my SOP for Masters in Computer Science. I'm little confused when to capitalize words in sentences. For instance, should I capitalize (camel case) the highlighted words in the below excerpt?
Ongoing work at XXX and other projects made me aware of the importance of well designed, robust and resilient **Software Systems** in particular **Distributed Systems** to run complex algorithms and cater the growing needs of clients in today's world.
In your case, I don't think you need to capitalize each word. You're describing an object so you should lower case. If "Software Systems" were the name of the company or field of study, that might have warranted Topic Case (Camel Case refers to the programming nomenclature without spaces between the words).
Surya, I absolutely hope that you will post the entire essay here o EF so we can assist you
further, I understand that you are in the draft stage but when you finish this draft, don't hesitate to
post it here.
Now, the question on capitalizing words, you capitalize the first letter of the word when you use it
to start a sentence, you also capitalize words of importance, when you would like to give or impose
stress on the words or say company name or a person, now if there is an event that you want to
stress on, you can use punctuation marks, capitalizing words embody's importance to the word.
Having said that, you can always double check with google and review the English language rules
and writing policies and style.
I hope to read your essay soon.
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