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How to start a statement of purpose for art University?

anelga 1 / 1  
Feb 27, 2008   #1
I want to write a statement of purpose for art university. my coures was graphic design

( I have a B.A in graphic design) but I'm working illustration professionally and actually I want to

apply for Illustration. but I don't know how should I start it?

EF_Team2 1 / 1708  
Feb 28, 2008   #2

You will need to fill in the details that fit you best, but here is an example of how one might go: "I have always had a great love for expressing myself artistically, but it was during my course of study in graphic design that I began to narrow my interests down to a specific area. I developed a keen interest in illustration and began to feel a strong desire to hone my talents in that area. I feel that by advancing my studies in the field of illustration I will be able to put my artistic talents to their best use and continue my work as a professional illustrator with an even greater degree of creativity and originality."

I hope this helps to get you started!


Sarah, EssayForum.com
OP anelga 1 / 1  
Feb 28, 2008   #3
Thank you so much... ...it helped me a lot...

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