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Posts by Holt [Educational Consultant]
Name: Mary Rose
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Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jun 30, 2024
Writing Feedback / IELTS Academic-Essay about whether group activities teach more important skills than individual ones [3]

It is widely acknowledged

You are making an incorrect assumption. This is not a belief that is shared by the original prompt. Do not use embellishments when restating the original prompt. You are scored on your ability to closely restate the original topic, without altering the original thought. Your opening phrase alters the original presentation. That will cause TA deductions in terms of interpretation accuracy. I will applaud your creative agreement with the statement though. That is interesting and shows your ability to respond to the question in a creative manner.

There is no need to state a supporting reason for the discussion you are countering. You will actually receive deductions and a low, non passing score because you failed to strongly support your own opinion. You will not receive a score for the paragraph that counters your opinion and, your word count will be reduced so you will receive additional penalties for that as well. At this point, this is a non passing score essay. Always remember, support your opinion with 2 reasons, never support the counter argument.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jun 30, 2024

Samsung, Appe and ZTE

The spelling of Apple or iPhone is incorrect. You should have seen that error if you had accomplished the editing and proof reading of this report as expected. That spelling error will reduce your LR score.

Your summary overview should have at least 2 sentences in it. That should be composed of at least 40 words in order to qualify as an acceptable summary overview. Next time, state more preliminary information regarding the image.

The rest of the presentation is good. You managed to inform the reader regarding the information provided in an understandable manner. While your English grammar may not be perfect yet, you used enough conversational, everyday English words to help make your presentation understandable.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 3, 2024
Undergraduate / 2025 GKS mass media major. Pusan national university [2]

Considering that you are Nigerian and not Korean, it will seem implausible for you to be so focused on Korean entertainment and political information. These would not be covered as highly as you make it appear in your essay. You make it seem like your news networks covered these reports intricately in their reporting, almost as if Nigeria is Korea. What you should do is make it clear that you are the one who was interested in the news story and that you followed the news online or wherever. Pick the stronger of the 2 news stories to present in the essay so that your interest in communication studies will be stronger and not just entertainment based.

The essay itself is smooth flowing in presentation but not really strong in terms of academic consideration. There are not enough accolades to make the reviewer believe in your potential as a student. The information about why you chose the university feels forced. It is too generic in reference and lacks a personal touch in terms of reasons why you chose the university.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 3, 2024

Your report is difficult to read due to the lack of punctuation usage. The GRA score for this essay will be in the failing range since you are not using enough punctuation marks in the presentation to show that you have a varied ability to write simple, compound, and complex English sentences. You tend to write using the run-on method, which totally confuses your idea presentation. Each sentence must have a single reference or topic point, with a proper connecting format used to connect up tot 2 ideas in one sentence. You are relying heavily on the word "and" to connect these ideas, which led to the confusion in your presentation. Develop your sentence formatting skills to overcome this problem. Stick to writing simple, single idea sentences for now.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 3, 2024
Writing Feedback / IELTS Task 2 - Essay on computers being the most important invention of the last century or not [2]

Kindly refrain from writing more than 300 words for the task 2 essay. This essay is composed of 440 words, which may not be a possible outcome during the actual test wherein you are expected to write this task within 40 minutes only. You do not need to write a long essay to pass the test. You do however, need to write a perfectly edited essay to get the target score that you want. That means, you have to learn to say more with less words.

The is a single opinion essay. It is not a group reference discussion. You must use more singular pronouns in the writing since you are being asked for a personal opinion. Do not hazard to speak for a group because that is not what is expected of in this presentation. Stick to your own point of view.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 3, 2024
Writing Feedback / write paragraph about avantages of playing sports [2]

There is no need to write a conclusion statement when you are being asked to develop a paragraph based on a given topic. This is just a paragraph building exercise. No need to close the discussion at this point. This type of writing benefits the most from a personal point of view / assessment of the given topic. If you had discussed the advantages of playing sports based upon your own experience, then the presentation would not have sounded so mechanical and researched. The personalization of a paragraph helps to improve the quality of the information presentation and heightens the possible discussion regarding the topic since it is based upon first hand knowledge. This presentation is good, but mechanical in nature. Try to give the writing more personality next time.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 3, 2024

The summary overview should have at least 2 sentences in it. The image identification is lacking. You are indicating only one image presented when there are actually 2 images provided for the comparison. There should be individual starter descriptions for each of the images provided.

When describing the image content, provide clarity at the start of the paragraph. Identify which image you will be discussing first and then describe it. Do the same for the 2nd image. This will help the reader separate the information you are providing in his mind. Right now, there is no differentiation between images, making it more difficult to understand and follow the information you have provided.

Good work on providing the minimum of 3 sentences per paragraph. That shows that you truly analyzed the images before reporting on it.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 3, 2024
Writing Feedback / The chart below gives information about how families in one country spent their weekly income [3]

Even though you have provided more than the minimum word count, the format for the presentation was not followed. This will result in a heavy deduction in your Task Accuracy score. There are a few things you have to remember:

1. The summary overview should have at least 2 sentences at all times covering 40 words or more to receive a TA and C+C preliminary score
2. The task 1 essay is always composed of 4 paragraphs. The overall trend should be integrated into the summary overview presentation rather than making it a stand alone line. That is because the trending sentence is considered a part of the summary overview.
3. The reporting paragraphs need to be composed of 2 separate paragraphs to show a clear analysis of the given image and also, allow you to better explain the image as you understand it.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 4, 2024
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2- Some people think young people should be required to have full time education [2]

The term younger generations is too vague. Be more specific and limit the description to one closer to the prompt original. For example, you could have simply indicated, "school aged youngsters" to describe the age range if people being asked to stay in school.

You need to double check your phrase
school of thoughts
. This is a phrase always said without +S at the end because it refers to a single idea stemming from the original presentation. Strengthen your colloquialisms.

quantum physic

This is where you need a +S.

You seem to have a problem with plural and singular differentiation. Please review those rules to avoid future errors.

Your logic and reasoning skills are acceptable. The problem is mostly in your sentence structure, LR usage, and Gammar range and accuracy. 3 sections thar could very well cause you to fail this test.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 5, 2024
Undergraduate / Machine Learning - Statement of Purpose for an exchange Program [3]

You do not need to write your academic biography or the development of your interest when developing your statement of purpose. Since you are applying for an exchange program based on advanced skills and qualifications, your essay should focus on that introduction instead. You can use parts of this current essay to help you develop a more proper SOP. The parts that I suggest you use to develop a more relevant SOP are the following:

my unending curiosity to learn and create new things

I am particularly interested in courses
- This paragraph in particular can use further development.
The X() exchange program offers me a unique opportunity

Although the program will be a great challenge

With the opportunity to be a part of X, over the next one year

These are the paragraphs that would help you present your purpose of study in the strongest possible light. Consider further developing the paragraphs since you will now have additional word allowance to complete the presentation.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 6, 2024
Writing Feedback / IELTS WRITING TASK 2 : Many young people today change their jobs or careers every few years. [2]

Your English competency level is that of a beginner and yet, you are trying to use an advanced sentence format and word reference in your presentation. This desire to write at a level higher than your actual ability will be the main reason why you will receive a failing score in the following areas:

1. Lexical Resource
2. Cohesiveness and Coherence
3. Grammar Range and Accuracy

I can tell that you understood the original topic, but your ability to restate it is limited by your actual English skills. You can avoid failing in these sections if you just keep your sentences simple. Do not use advanced vocabulary just yet. You will get a better score all around with simple English presentations.

The discussion format will be given a score even though the presentation is not really as expected in terms of the response format. For this type of essay, you need to anchor your 2 reasoning paragraphs on the disadvantages that are actually advantages. You have to disprove the negative by making it a positive in your discussion.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 6, 2024
Writing Feedback / Many people believe that the increased interaction between nations through globalization [2]

In this essay, this view will shed light on previously my perspective.

What? You did not offer a writer's opinion with a thesis statement in the first paragraph. You did not even clearly restate the original prompt. That paragraph will receive a failing score because of the lack of clarity in your presentation and the lack of your opinion + thesis statement.

The essay is not well developed nor explained. The lack of proof reading on your part led to an essay that did not have a clear writer's opinion. Had you bothered to review your essay, you would have seen that you missed out on the opinion and statement part, which is an integral part of the TA score. You rushed through your writing and did not think about reviewing the work before submitting it. Do that during the actual test and you will end up with a failing score.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 9, 2024
Writing Feedback / Discuss pros and cons of working or studying at home [2]

there is a significant increase in the preference

This is a misleading statement. There is no information nor reference in the original prompt that would indicate that the work from home and study from home trend is an increasing preference. It is only an increasing trend. There is a meaning difference between preference and trend. You have not correctly restated the topic requirement. Good work on your opinion presentation. You delivered your opinion clearly, although the lack of a thesis statement is a concern since the lack of your personal opinion summary would have strengthened that sentence.

Please remember that you are required to present a 4 paragraph essay for this task. You have merged all of the paragraphs together, thus creating a difficult to read and understand presentation. Use separate paragraphs at all times to make it easier to read your essay. The discussion presentation is also improper because you are defending both sides when the writing should be focused only on proving that your opinion is the correct one by looking for loopholes in the opposing discussion reasons.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 9, 2024
Writing Feedback / Reasons and effects of income disparity between celebrities and politicians nowadays (IELTS task 2) [2]

indisputable fact

Do not make boastful claims like these. There are some who would oppose this statement and say that there are politicians that earn more than celebrities. Stick to simple restatements to help keep your paraphrasing on point.

number of reasons

Such as? Complete your summary presentation in response to the question.

Kindly remember not to use run on sentences in your presentation. Each response should be contained in a stand alone sentence that discusses only the question you are responding to.


You are not adding information here but making a comparison. Therefore, you cannot use the word "additionally". You may instead use the phrase "In comparison."

a sense of resentment in them

This is not related to the discussion. Why did you say this? You will receive point deductions for straying from the discussion content.

The concluding summary will also receive deductions because it does not show 2 sentences in the presentation, which is a requirement aside from the 40 word sentence number
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 9, 2024
Graduate / Supporting statement for Master's degree in Advanced Control and Systems Engineering [2]

Your supporting statement tends to jump around in terms of information sharing, without actually building to a solid finish. Try to focus on the real aim of your studies and develop the essay around that. Either you are interested in developing your skills in Physics or you want to help build the renewable energy sector of your country. Those are 2 unrelated topics and therefore, confusing for the reviewer to keep track of. Try to use the strongest opinion topic for your discussion. I am not sure what choice that would be for you so I will leave you to choose your discussion focus. The essay feels like there is a lot more information to be presented per paragraph. You seem to be holding back. Why is that? There is no maximum word count so be as transparent as you can be so that the reviewer will get to know very well through this written interview.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 13, 2024
Writing Feedback / the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online. [2]

Well, your essay would get an automatic failing score because you wrote less than 250 words, did not follow the correct response format for a task 2 essay, and you do not have a properly developed restatement + Writer's opinion and thesis statement. You basically rushed through this essay without considering the consequences of your improper presentation. Use the 4 paragraph presentation next time. Be sure to develop the 2 reasoning paragraphs by using proper discussion samples and expand on your discussion reasons and samples. I know you can do better than this because I can see the potential in this current presentation. You just need to be guided to achieve your full potential. Use the sample essays at this website and previous advice I have given to other students to help guide you.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 13, 2024
Scholarship / Personal statement. Major: fashion design for embassy track undergraduates gks 2024/25 [6]

The application should not be centered only on your work experience, interest in Korea, and what you hope to bring to Nigeria and Korea. You must also focus on your academic abilities and how those have come into play to help you prepare to study overseas. How did you perform as a student? Would you be able to cite any accomplishments of sorts either in the field of amateur fashion or academics? Your passion, which is evident in this presentation, is not going to be enough to get you noticed by the reviewers. You need more. The essay is long, it is informative, but it is not notable enough to make you a strong embassy applicant. You need more notable mentions in the paper to help you achieve that status.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 13, 2024
Undergraduate / Common App Essay Draft - 12 PM: Overcoming a challenge [2]

This is a highly personal essay. Thank you for sharing it with us. Your struggle was real and it could be read in every paragraph that you wrote. Everything you went through, the situations that you experienced, these are all things that most anorexia patients would be ashamed to discuss, let alone with a total stranger. You have a compelling story. Though you did not share everything with the reader, you shared just enough to make the reader remember you and what you have been through. I think that this essay can help you application because you decided to get personal with the reviewer, something that all reviewers appreciate. The way that you put yourself out there, waiting to be judged, or not judged, means that you are ready to face the difficulties of a college life.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 13, 2024
Writing Feedback / Subjects such as Art, Sport and Music must being rejected from the school.Do you agree or disagree? [2]

The severe shortness of this discussion will ensure that it gets a failing score. Aside from the word count, you also have not properly paraphrased the topic. It is schools that are rejecting subjects, not people. There is a big difference in terms of discussion focus in that case. You have not strongly presented your supporting reasons for your opinion either. If you meant this presentation to just be a draft, which you will improve upon, then you have a good foundation for the expanded discussion topics. You have to remember to properly paragraph the discussion points though. You cannot discuss the task 2 essay in a compressed paragraph format. That will get you a failing TA score.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 14, 2024
Writing Feedback / It is predicted that with the development of technology, people in the 21st century free time [2]

This essay is going to evaluate some of the potential reasons which prove that such an anticipation has become reality.

You did not respond to the given writing prompt. There is a question and request for reasons that was provided to you at the end of the original statement. You must respond to that with a summarized answer inclusive of quick reasoning reflections. The preliminary task requirements were not properly met and therefore, you will receive a failing preliminary score since you did not provide a clear writer's opinion for that section.

The concluding summary does not properly summarize the discussion either. While you wrote more than 40 words for that section, you did not meet the minimum 2 sentence requirement. You wrote a run-on sentence instead, creating a GRA failing score for yourself. Although the reasoning paragraphs are strong, I do not know if those will be enough to help you overcome the major scoring deductions this essay would face in an actual setting.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 14, 2024
Writing Feedback / The chart below shows the amount of energy generated from wind in four countries from 1985 to 2000. [2]

Avoid writing in run-on mode for your summary overview. You are given a sentence allowance of 3-5 sentence per paragraph. Use it to help deliver the information clearly to the reader. One point of information per sentence. Connect the sentences using the proper connecting words or phrases. That will ensure that you achieve a high preliminary TA score.

Mention all 4 countries in the trending statement. That is expected since you are asked to present the high and low, plus a general comparison of the information. That format will help you increase your summary overview score as well.

Redarding Denmark

LR deduction. The spelling is "Regarding". You could have avoided that deduction with a simple spellcheck during the review and editing of the document.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaur, dodo...) [2]

You have actually spent too much time justifying the causes of extinction as caused by man when you should be focusing on proving your point, which is that man can prevent extinction because it is essential and important. There is no reason for you to look for reasons to justify the opposing discussion because that does not help prove your point. Remember that all Task 2 essays are single opinion essays unless otherwise specified. There was no indication that you needed to compare and contrast this discussion. Therefore, it is a single opinion presentation. Your comparison discussion will cause this essay to be deemed under developed mostly because of the lack of support for your statement, which should have 2 supporting reasons behind it. Whenever you oppose your own discussion, you will tend to receive a failing score because your opinion then fails to convince the reader that you actually support your own opinion.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / Some people think that physical strength is important for success in sport, while other people think [2]

This type of discussion requires you to use a comparison point of view for each reasoning paragraph. You must start each paragraph by discussing the public opinion that supports the point of view, then you should proceed to use the first person pronouns to show that your opinion is either in support of or against the public point of view. You should avoid using a generalized presentation like you did here because the comparison discussion, which will add to your score, disappears from the presentation. Thus leaving the comparison discussion unclear to the reader. Additionally, your concluding paragraph should always meet the 2 sentence, 40 word requirement in order to gain a score from the examiner in the end.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Graduate / criticism on the quality of letter of motivation for aerospace engineering masters [2]

I vividly recall the first time I flew in a plane. I was eight years old

Oops. This is too much of an exaggeration. You cannot fly a plane at the age of 8. You won't even be able to see over the instrument panel of a plane at that age. You are asking the reviewer to suspend disbelief way too much. You cannot use that age as a reference point. You have to be of a believable age and, you need to convince the reviewer that you actually flew the plane. That paragraph does not do that at all.

My academic journey began with a degree

This is a motivational letter, not a statement of purpose. There is no need for you to present your academic history in this letter. Just focus on your motivation for a masters course. Let me see if I can find the actual motivation for your studies in this letter. It seems to be hiding itself from view.

My professional experience

This whole paragraph should be better developed in version 2 to allow yourself to truly focus on the motivational aspect of your letter. Everything else in the letter does not fall under a motivational reason.

My goal is to work for

This is the other reason that should be presented and used in this discussion. Develop these 2 aspects in order to create a motivational letter on track with the information expectations of the reviewer.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative [3]

The essay will receive sa failing score for several reasons. The first is that your prompt restatement is unclear and incomplete. You have to present these from the first person point of view since you are being asked for an opinion as a part of the Task Accuracy requirement. Therefore, you should be using the pronoun I, then indicating your opinion, and the 2 reasons in support of your point of view.

The reasoning paragraphs will also get a failing score because you have not strongly justified your preference for the negatives of the discussion. The comparison discussion will not work in this case because you have been asked for a single opinion, your personal insight into the topic, creating a single opinion discussion requirement for the essay.

Your discussions per paragraph are not very clear either. You are relying too much on examples and very little on actual explanations that would explain the descriptions you have provided. You do not need all these examples. The essay could get a passing score with just one, well explained and fully justified explanation as the basis of your opinion.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / The diagram below shows how recycled paper is made. Summarise the information. [2]

The given picture illustrates

Yes, an image was provided. It may be considered a picture. However, since it explains a 4 step process, it should be called an illustration instead of a picture. An illustration is a drawing or series of pictures that depict a procedure leading to a final product or outcome.

the paper

Please double check the image. I do not think that the material can be called paper yet. It is still in raw form. I believe you missed a description here.

In the next step

It is not the next step but the final step. Always count the number of procedures as you write about it. If there are 4 steps, then it would be better use ordinal references for this purpose. Number the steps so that you will know when to reference the final step in the procedure.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Research Papers / The Mental Affects Of The Pandemic Were Worse Than The Actual Illness Itself [2]

This was not an illness crisis; This was a mental health crisis inflicted by society.

Why not consider indicating that the Corona virus lockdown created 2 instead of just 1 pandemic? One is the virus and the other, is a mental health pandemic, which people and mental healthcare professionals are still trying to control and contain to this very day? It seems to fit the narrative you are trying to portray. Please consider it.

return back

Redundancy. Return and "back to school" mean the same thing. You can opt to remove "Return" in this case for clarity purposes.

The research is trying to discuss one too many fields of mental health. It becomes confusing to read. For this purpose, and your generation having been affected by the lockdown in a mental health kind of way, I strongly urge you to focus only on the effects of everything you are discussing on the youth. That way the true victims of the mental health crisis will be focused on the discussion.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / [ WRITING TASK 1] The charts below show annual average spending on clothes per person in the US in [2]

Your summary overview should be at least 2 sentences long. You should add an enumeration of the sources of information to easily meet that requirement. By the way, you need to practice reviewing and editing your work before submitting for a grade. That way you avoid oversights such as the missing period at the end of your summary overview presentation.


Remember the noun usage rule: All proper nouns are capitalized in the presentation. Americans refer to the people of the US and therefore, is a proper noun. It should have been capitalized.

Save for these errors, the presentation is pretty much straightforward and provides the correct information to the reader. The mistakes you made are avoidable, provided you remain conscious of it going forward.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / Modern medical science has made it possible to combat many diseases. [3]

Your essay will receive an immediate failing score. Your prompt restatement is nowhere near the original concept that was presented. The discussion is focused on long life, not immortality. Therefore, all your reference points and discussion representations are incorrect in the prompt paraphrase and writer's opinion. That means the essay's preliminary score will be that of a failing one. It does not remotely relate to the original discussion.

several infants

You are limiting the effects of the life saving drug and misleading the readers. You are confusing the truth with your fiction. Your C+C score will also be failing in this case. You are taking too many creative liberties in an opinion paper that should be based on publicly known facts.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Graduate / Short statement of purpose for Lund MSc about accounting and management control [2]

I do not really see how the program will be helping you further your training in the aforementioned sections. You are presenting the problems that you have to deal with in your company and why you have difficulties in addressing these issues but, you are not explaining how the program will help you address these problems. What is lacking is a presentation that shows how well you understand the demands of the masters course in relation to your work experience. You must show that you have seriopusly considered the requirements of the course and the demands upon you as a student in order to meet the prompt information requirements. The basis is good, the reflection needs work.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Research Papers / Moving Toward Zero Waste Research Essay [2]

the Romans first introduced in its ancient cities

What exactly are you referring to here? You need to properly introduce example to your reader by way of an explanation. Do not expect the reader to automatically know what you are referring to here. Be clear. Use a historical example at the start of this paragraph so that when you reference the Romans later on, the reader will be clued in on what you are referencing.

The problem is that society as a whole produces a lot more waste than the ancient Romans did

What evidence do you have that would prove this claim of yours? This is where the justifiable example comes into play. How do you expect the people to believe this statement? Remember, the Romans did not have any way to recycle or reuse their waste products. Nobody knew about the problems that consumption would bring at that point in time. I think it would be better if you stopped using Rome as an example in this presentation. Explaining it would take too much time and remove the focus from the actual topic of the paper.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / How an island has change before and after the construction of tourist amenities [2]

The problem with this analysis is that you are not completely analyzing the before aspect of the map illustration. You cannot receive a passing mark for the paragraph that contains only 1 run-on sentence. You should always provide a minimum of 3 sentences per paragraph. That means, rather than compressing your thoughts into one paragraph, you should divide each idea into individual sentences. That way you achieve the clarity that the paragraph requires and you meet the C+C and GRA scoring requirements for the task. In the final paragraph, you should have indicated the palm trees again and how it is now being utilized on the island. There is a lack of clarity in some of your sentence presentations, no doubt because of your lack of English vocabulary. However, these did not distract from the description you were trying to deliver. It was understandable just the same.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024
Writing Feedback / Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or violence increase. [3]

It is undeniable that capital punishment plays

Do not make sweeping and assuming statements like these in your prompt restatement. That is a personal opinion and should not be attached to the rewriting of the original prompt topic. You will receive task deduction points when you over exaggerate your statements in the introduction paragraph.

Having read your complete essay response to the prompt, I can safely say that you will fail the test because you did not meet the task requirements. Your response is totally unrelated to the task. The writing question was in relation to the extent of your agreement or disagreement with the topic provided. You responded by indicating alternative punishment methods. Therefore, you are not writing based upon the provided prompt. You may be given a score for the other band considerations but since your TA score will be that of a failing score, the overall essay score will also be a failing one.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 15, 2024

The focus of your draft is only on the first 2 questions. Although that is good, it provides a problem when the reviewer wishes to know about the other aspects of your life in relation to the writing guides. I would suggest that you lessen the negatives in your presentation. Try to balance the obstacles with the achievements you have made. These achievements should be well rounded and not concentrated on your linguistics ability alone. The reviewer will also want to see some academic achievements by way of your publications, awards receieved in class, or other community notes that may show how well you can adjust to unknown surroundings and what sort of contributions you might make to the community once you become a student. Your interest in Korea is not very clear, what triggered the interest? Try to delve into that aspect as well. So far, this is a good start for a draft. The room for improvement is there. It can be interesting to read if approached properly.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 17, 2024
Research Papers / why you should leave everything and move to the beach! [2]

I seem to read a contradiction in this presentation. You are discussing living by the beach right? Living by the beach and vacationing by the beach are two different scenarios. The writer's you have cited are all speaking of long term vacations, not living beach side. Living beach side means that there is a permanence to the situation. The person would own a house that sits on a beachfront property and live there year round. There lies the difference between your information sources and what you have framed as living by the beach in this essay. The scenarios are not the same. You cannot use vacation rates at hotels in the same manner as say, a mortgage on a beachfront house. The computations are simply not going to apply to the differing scenarios.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 17, 2024
Undergraduate / Personal Statement: Can a cat teach a seagull how to fly? [3]

I am not sure if you were given a series of writing prompts for this personal statement or not. The reason I am uncertain of how to advise you regarding improving this paper is because you have included a statement of purpose into the personal statement, which should not be the case. The SOP and the PS are 2 different essays and are not normally integrated unless there are writing prompts to guide the student into writing one. The essay itself is interesting. The story of your father and his personification of the cat is an interesting one. It was reduced by the sudden introduction of Trent university in the discussion. Which is why I am concerned that you are not following the correct personal statement writing format. A personal statement is most effective when discussing your personal side -- the story of your father, your other interests other than academics, anything that would give the reviewer more of an insight into your personality and mindset outside of the academic world.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 17, 2024
Writing Feedback / Some countries achieve international success by building specialized facilities to train top athlete [2]

There has been much controversy

You are altering the original statement. There is no controversy. There is only a statement of fact. This is a prompt deviation that will lead to your failing the Task Accuracy section, since you are not properly restating the original idea in your presentation.

The opening statement is also problematic in the sense that you failed to use the 3 sentence requirement for the paragraph. Writing a run-on sentence will not help you achieve a passing score, it only aids in making you fail the TA criteria. Your essay will start off with a preliminary failing score. It may not be able to recover towards a passing score.

advantageous because the health of the residents is more important than top athletes.

You are not properly responding the the question. You are being asked if this is a positive or negative development. That discussion is different from the advantage and disadvantage type of discussion. Expect to get The lowest possible TA score because you are not responding in the expected format and as such, cannot be given a passing score for the prompt restatement + Writer's opinion section. The essay will have already failed even before the rest of the essay has been scored based on other scoring considerations.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 17, 2024
Graduate / How would the specific programmes of study in Ireland - response essay [2]

How many words have you been given to respond to the question? Your answer is not effective at all. It is empty and does not provide any insight into the reasons why this specific program of study in Ireland would benefit you as a student. The response you wrote is going around in circles, without actually providing any expanded explanations nor valid reasons for your application. It does not work as a response statement nor as a draft. You need to work on specific reasons that will show a familiarity with the program and how it merges with your academic interests or your professional needs with regards to your career. How can the program help you help your country? Integrate that into the reason you want to study these specific programmes.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 17, 2024
Undergraduate / Gks study plan for Undergraduate for law 2024/25 [2]

Your pre arrival language preparations must be of the ongoing kind rather than the future preparation kind. It is imperative that the reviewer sees that you are in the thick of language proficiency preparations at the moment, both for Hangul and English because these will help show how serious you are about attending a Korean educational institution.

The way you have your plans written sound more like the presentation should be in an outline format rather than the current paragraphical form. You are using bullet point ideas in the presentation which is a quick way to present your plans, but do not really reflect upon your mindset and the reasons why you plan to study the languages in this manner. Use the essay format instead and expand on your discussion points. Do not just present ideas, explain where these ideas are coming from.
Holt  Educational Consultant  
Jul 17, 2024
Writing Feedback / Environmental protection is the responsibility of politicians, not individuals [2]

The question provided for the discussion is "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement provided?". Therefore, you must offer a measured response along with 2 supporting reasons in your writer's opinion statement. You cannot simply indicate that you do not subscribe to the belief. You need to emphasize your opinion as required. You could say that "I vehemently oppose the idea that individuals cannot help protect the environment. I base this opinion on 2 reasons namely; (reason 1) and (reason 2)."

From that point, you may use the reasons provided to discuss your single opinion essay. You need to support your point of view alone since there is no compare and contrast instruction provided for the writing. In the current form, the paragraph that opposes your point of view will not receive a score and your presentation will be given a final score based upon an under developed explanation. That is what happens when a comparison discussion is used in a single opinion defense presentation. The essay may either recieve a low passing mark, or fail altogether. It will depend upon how the examiner views your presentation.

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