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Posts by Ngwane
Name: Bayethe Hlongwane
Joined: Nov 25, 2016
Last Post: Nov 30, 2016
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From: Zimbabwe
School: Speciss College

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Nov 28, 2016
Undergraduate / Today experience matters much more than credentials in the labor market. ProTrack Engineering Co-op [6]

Why would it be to your advantage to participate in the ProTrack Engineering Co-op program option?

Today experience matters much more than credentials in the labor market. Most companies employ people that have had experience in the job, this is a problem for a graduating student as it will be hard for them to get a job, competing with people that have worked in the same field for a number of years. With the Florida Pro-Track Engineering Co-op program I will stand a better chance for a good career from graduation.

From the time I started doing mathematics and physics in high school, with the occasional dash home to watch space exploration programs, from NASA's Mars exploration to Virgin Galactica's new satellite tech, I grew to love engineering, especially designing and building machines that will go out in space and help in the discovery of new planets and stars. The Pro-Track Engineering Co-op program allows me to explore engineering through an Aerospace engineer's eyes, I will not only finish college with a degree, but the skills in working full time in a big company. I will also have a better understanding of the subject as it will be practical and I can apply what I have learnt in class and the research I have done in real life situations.

Due to the extremely weak economic situation in Zimbabwe and that we currently don't have our own currency, college in the United States is very expensive and since scholarships are extremely competitive for international students I will use this program to sustain my everyday living and my education program.
Nov 28, 2016
Undergraduate / Today experience matters much more than credentials in the labor market. ProTrack Engineering Co-op [6]

@Holt here is a revision of the essay I hope this one is better than the last and I took out the scholarship reference

Many graduates find themselves unable to do practical work or to solve practical problems at work, as a result the number of graduates that cannot find jobs is increasing because in today's labor market experience matters much more than credentials. The lack of practical skill is caused by the fact that most universities spend too much attention on theoretical education rather than practical work skills. This is where Florida's Pro-Track program makes a difference

As one who wants to design satellites and space exploration vehicles, the Pro-Track Engineering Co-op program allows me to explore engineering through an Aerospace engineer's eyes. I am a hands-on person who understands better when doing something practically, this program will take me to the fore-front of space research, I will get to work with companies like NASA and Space-X, companies that have had decades of experience and technology. Not only will this enrich my resume, I will have a better grasp of the subject from applying what I have learnt to solve real life challenges and also working with scientists and engineers that are already in the field.

With this program, I won't just graduate with a degree, but with the skills in working full time, solving problems in a work environment and three semester's worth of experience. This gives me an advantage over the average graduate.
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