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Posts by cluan1999
Name: Luan
Joined: Nov 30, 2016
Last Post: Nov 30, 2016
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From: Vietnam
School: High school Teacher Practice

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Nov 30, 2016
Writing Feedback / Effect of home-tutoring on student's performance in school: positive or negative ? [4]

Some parents believe that private lessons outside school hours, where students work alone with a teacher, can help them do better at school. Other disagree. What is your opinion?

The effect of home-tutoring on student's performance at school have been a constant subject of lively debate in Vietnam in recent years. Attitudes towards this issue vary greatly. As far as I am concerned, there are a number of point that need to be taken in to consideration here.

People in favor of the positive influence of studying with tutor justify their position with strong argument, one of which could be that studying with private teacher at home can help students recalling their old knowledge, therefore it will stay in their mind in a longer time to support further lessons. Another justification which should not be overlooked is that students can have more interactive communication with the teacher than in the school. A class in a Vietnamese school, for example, include about 40 students with just one teacher teaching in 45 minutes, this make the teacher can't spend much time with a student as a tutor could. With regard to the last argument, it is acknowledged that home-tutored students usually achieve higher result than their friend who just study with the teacher in school. This actually come out as a consequence of the interactive study method and knowledge being recalled that was mentioned above.

Although the important role of home-tutoring in many aspects of modern life cannot be denied, many opponents put forward a number of argument on the other side of the issue. To begin with, it is commonly believed that having a tutor to teach the students will make them become lazier. It may be true that if students can have the answer for an academic problem easily from the tutor, they won't have much motivation to do the homework themselves any more. Apart from the above-mentioned point, it may be true to say that studying one by one at home may discourage student's attention on the lessons in class because he or she think that it is not important to re-study the knowledge that was taught at home. Finally, it is well-documented that home-tutoring may be meaningless while students can study at home by themselves, in some way, the need of a tutor may indicate that the student don't have the ability to self-educating.

All in all, although there are a number of different viewpoint regarding such a topic of heated debate, to be the best of my knowledge, the idea that whether home-tutoring is good or bad will never prove to be convincing among an ever-growing host of opponents, myself included. It is important to understand that the negative aspects of such an option far outweigh any benefits involved.
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