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Posts by cocobean3
Name: Lily
Joined: Dec 11, 2016
Last Post: Dec 11, 2016
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From: United States of America
School: ASU

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Dec 11, 2016
Writing Feedback / Thesis for essay on Japanese internment versus the Holocaust? [4]

I read two books, Weedflower and Night. In Weedflower, a Japanese girl named Sumiko is interned and lives in Poston for a year or so before being released. It is fiction but closely mimics real history. The conditions Sumiko lives in aren't horrible--she lives with some of her family in a small home that is very hot and dusty. She grew a garden, goes to a sewing club, and eats three meals a day.

In Night, Elie is taken to a concentration camp. He endures hell and watches his father die. He starves and watches family turn on each other. He nearly dies multiple times.

With this, I made my thesis that through the literature I studied, Japanese internment is portrayed as having better living conditions and being more humane than the living conditions in the Holocaust. But after discussing with others, they found this thesis to be completely inappropriate and immoral. I've always been a very emotionally detached person, so I can only assume they are true. I don't wan to offend my entire class as I present this topic to them. I can literally pick any thesis--I could talk about what Japanese internment reveals about the Holocaust, or how the two are related, or a simple compare contrast. But I need a strong thesis and I have no idea what to write now without sounding offensive!!! It can be ANYTHING relating the Japanese internment to the Holocaust. Please help?!
Dec 11, 2016
Writing Feedback / Thesis for essay on Japanese internment versus the Holocaust? [4]

"Japanese internment is portrayed as being more humane than the conditions in the Holocaust" but I'd probably revise it to spice up the wording a bit.

And if my friends were correct in saying that the internment couldn't be compared because it was so horrible, I was also thinking of changing it to "Japanese internment is portrayed in American literature as being more humane than the conditions in the Holocaust". Then concluding that by studying this we can see that American literature tries to wash over the atrocious events in Japanese internment by contextualizing it with the Holocaust.
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