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Posts by lana1413
Name: Lana N
Joined: Dec 28, 2016
Last Post: Dec 28, 2016
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School: foreign trade

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Dec 28, 2016
Scholarship / My dream of Logistics. I want to contribute back to my country Vietnam as well as the US society. [2]

Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program? (400-600 words)
I know that my essay lacks something, but I still have not identify it. Please help me

tired of never feeling enough

One of my clearest childhood memories was the sizzling sound of the wind from vehicles moving towards Cat Lai Port. I can see it like it was just only yesterday, the curiosity of youth wondering what was inside those numerous colorful container blocks moving in and out of the port. I remember that excited beating of my heart when I first travel on the Cat Lai ferry, and how I innocently hallucinated that I was moving towards a brand new world.

As a habit, my father would take me to go sightseeing around Ho Chi Minh City on his motorbike at weekends. We were both chasing for different values from this activity, but I knew one thing we had in common was that we enjoy appreciating how this city has transformed over years. Since I had my own bike, I often ride to different ports and harbors in Ho Chi Minh City. As I grow up, many mysteries in my head has been solved thanks to the internet, but those containers still contain some mysterious charm that kept captivating my interest more and more.

Currently, I am a student major in International Business Economics at University. My major concentrates on Logistics and Supply Chain Management. After studying business I realized there are many faults in the sweet picture-perfect country I am living at. We have a lot of good products, but only raw materials or simple things, and still heavily dependent on importing. The thing is we are lacking money and technology, but those two cases cannot be solved simply by the fact that not many of our products can be exported or exported at high price that brings back much profit since the Logistics system in our country is still poor. Moreover, e-commerce is still underdeveloped in our country due to the fact that the Logistics system is poor and much Vietnamese lost hope in it. Moreover, many Vietnamese products are losing on the home wound due to poor supply chain management. In addition, many of our Logistics companies are just satellite companies for other Big Logistics companies of the world.

I can hear my heartbeat tired of never feeling enough. I knew that I had to take actions, and solve this problem. Maybe it has to do something with that transformation-seeker I inherited from my dad or that warrior-like blood running in my veins. My love and enthrallment since childhood for the industry has evolved into a great ambition to make a change. I realized that one of the most effective ways is to found a Logistics company as well as teaching people. That realization has persuaded me to take actions to actualize my dreams. I had sought solutions from many sources I could get access to. Many people, even my lecturer at the university, told me that the Logistics and SCM curriculum in Vietnam is still very under-developed. Should I want to make a revolution, I had to gain knowledge from foreign sources. The reason why I wish to pursue SCMs in the United States of America is because the U.S has some of the most prestigious undergraduate SCMs in the world and a highly developed logistics system worthy of learning. I believe the UGRAD program can facilitate me to reach my dream. In order to find a good Logistics solution for my country, I must learn from the already developed countries in the field like the U.S. To found a company, I plan to gain knowledge from working at other Logistics/SCMs companies first for hand-on experience. This program will help me obtain more knowledge and experience in the fields, help me more accustomed to different cultures, improve my English skills. With those criteria obtained, I would be able to become a tougher businesswoman and a better leader in order to run my business in the future. I hope to bring back the knowledge & techniques in the industry I learn from the US back to Vietnam and teach them to other fellows and contribute more solutions so that we could all grow. Vietnam will have a more updated curriculum on the field to develop high-quality human resources in the industry, as well as other Vietnamese would see how a developed society like the U.S. is like.

I believe I would make full benefits out of the program and contribute back to my country Vietnam as well as the US society where I will live. I am confident that I would be able to make positive changes in Vietnam and make our Logistics and economics stronger, improving lives of the people and help my dream possible by this program.
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