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Posts by Leavaler
Name: Leana Valerio
Joined: Jan 12, 2017
Last Post: Jan 12, 2017
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From: United States

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Jan 12, 2017
Undergraduate / Your essay should answer the following questions: What makes you a perfect candidate for FIT? [2]

fashion as a way to express who I am

Having the freedom in America to choose what I want to wear; is something I don't take for granted. Many countries around the world prosecute you for dressing a specific way and having the capability to express my sense of self in clothing is something I greatly appreciate. Finding out that I wanted to be a fashion business management made me want to pursue that dream. I love interacting with people and making them happy, which I believe is a one of the big requirements in this field. I'm constantly thinking of new ideas and how I'm going to create something. If I could describe one good aspect about myself, it would have to be that I am very ambitious. When I say, I want to do something, I don't let anything get in my way of it. My mother raised me to be an independent woman and to never depend on anyone in life. To gain my own achievements, it would have to be from my own blood, sweat, and tears. I believe that is why I'm so driven to achieve my dream. I want to be a part of the alluring art that fashion is and make the future of fashion better with my knowledge and skills. I see fashion as a way of letting out your inner self and being able to express who you are as a person without saying words. It's an extension of one's personality and creativity.

Currently I'm attending Suffolk Community College. The total amount of credits I've completed at Suffolk Community College are 32 and in progress are 45 credits in total. The reason why I want to transfer to the Fashion Institute of Technology is because Suffolk Community College doesn't have the fashion merchandising program. I feel that the Fashion Institute of Technology will provide the education I need to pursue a career in fashion merchandising. I believe have that I have the eye for style and business. My father is a very great business man and he has shown me throughout my life how to have a strong mentality. He has also shown me that if you fall you pick yourself up stronger and better. I've taken that and use that into my everyday life. I love to keep up with the latest trends that are out by following up with fall and spring fashion week. I'm constantly reading about the latest trends on the WWD paper and fashion magazines.

I was very fortunate enough for having the opportunity in high school to go to an alternative school for fashion merchandising/design. The course gave me some knowledge about the fashion industry and how things run. I had experience the intensity that the fashion industry goes through by running fashion shows that were put together by my teacher, classmates and myself included. Each of us had to design our own garment with 3-4 outfits to model. Not only did I have the fashion show, but we also had fashion forecasting projects where I had to figure out designs for the upcoming year. We also did fall and spring fashion week projects where we had to choose 1-3 fashion designers that performed during fashion week. That was when my passion grew more than ever. I love working in intense working environments where I'm assigned a specific task. I find that working in a slow and steady environment is not for me. I tend to get distracted whereas working in a fast paste environment keeps me focused and makes me want to work harder.

My greatest accomplishment in life would have to be that I know that I am making my mother very proud. I was the first one in my family to go graduate high school and to go to college. Not only was I the first but also I'm the 9% of Hispanics that continued their education. I look up to my mother a lot because she has shown me how life isn't always going to be easy, you must work extremely hard to accomplish the things you want in life. Especially being a woman. She raised my sister and I as a single mother and worked extremely hard to get to where we are today in life. Another accomplishment for me would have to be is having 2 jobs while in college. It is not easy, but who said life was going to be easy. While having two jobs I manage to get good grades and get into my school's honor society program, which I'm extremely proud of.

Lastly, after I graduate for college I see myself working for companies like Chloe or Rebecca Minkoff. There's too many designers to choose from, but those are the two I would love to work for. To start off small I would like to work for Asos or Topshop. I believe that there is nothing wrong with starting off small, because to get to the top you must start from the bottom.
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