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Posts by s11015kevin
Name: kevin
Joined: Jul 8, 2017
Last Post: Jul 8, 2017
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From: taiwan

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Jul 8, 2017
Writing Feedback / Railways vs roads - I consider both traffic systems equally important to our societies. [2]

Governments should spend money on railways rather than roads.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

more support for roads or railways?

Some people believe that governments should invest more money in railways rather than road systems. Personally, I disagree with this point of view because I consider both traffic systems equally important to our societies.

On the one hand, I agree with the idea that states need to build well-functioned railways. Such public traffic system can help to cope with traffic problems, such as traffic congestion and car accidents. In Taiwan, for instance, our local governments have planned to spend lots of fiscal budget building railways. This policy certainly solve the problem of traffic jam, which had bothered local residents seriously. Another benefit of railway is that it is more eco-friendly. Trains powered by electricity do not generate harmful emissions and excessive carbon dioxide.as a result, railways can also help to protect our environment.

Nevertheless, there are still some difficulties which can not be dealt with by trains. Firstly, railways must be built in areas with huge population, or they would not be financially efficient. Secondly, some regions, such as mountainous countrysides, are not appropriate to develop such public transport but more suitable to rely on roads. For instance, construction companies could find it hard to build railways on the hills. Finally, railway stations are located in fixed places but each individual person might have his or her destination. Even we take trains reaching the station nearby our destination, we still need to travel to there by cars or vehicles depending on roads.

In conclusion, railways are so essential that governments should develop them, but I believe that we would have a more convenient society with well-developed roads.
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