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Name: My Duyen Luong
Joined: Oct 22, 2017
Last Post: Oct 22, 2017
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Oct 22, 2017
Writing Feedback / Students want to live away from home while they continue to study [2]

Have you ever think on living away from home? Or you prefer to live at home with your family? A lot of people, mainly students have this question in mind. But to answer, it is better to make a balance between what you will find in living away and what you have in living at home. It is dificult task because you will find a lot of differences in both situations. These two types of living have some different aspects in term of living condition, finance and experiences.

Compare living at home and living far away from home

First differences between living at home and living far away from home are the condition of the place and the facilities. Students living at home can enjoy better living condition than ones living far away from home. As home is the whole family's place, it is normally large and well-equipped with many electric devices. Fama told that it is when you are lying on your parent's coach, watching your favorite TV show and even when you are feeling hungry and your mom's voice echoes up the staircase telling you dinner is done (Elite Daily). Living at home makes you feel comfortable and satisfied. Besides being convenient another advantages of living with your parents is that there is a big sense of familiarity. The house is probably the one you grew up, and you may find sharing your living space with familiar faces more comforting than with random strangers. Moreover, you will have your own room. As Fama said that you have privacy, peacefulness and your own pace to do what you want without being disturbed by roommate (Elite Daily). In addition, students is provided with fresh and healthy food. When you are living at home with your family, there is going to be a significant amount of food in the kitchen that you did not purchase. Alqahtani said that the clearly food at your home that your parents will supply you, is always better than the food at restaurant. In home, you can also have your parents who cook instead of you and they also are the ones paying the food. In contrast, you will face with small and poor-facilitated rent house or dormitory when you are living far away from home. Because dorm or rent house offer very limited opportunity for customized living. They are essentially box spaces with basic full-sized beds, desks, closet and shelves. Aside form hanging up posters, students cannot do much to make a dorm room just like home. Furthermore, students do not get a lot of space and privacy. Typically, you will share a room with one to three other students. If students have conflicts with roommates, it is difficult to get breathing space. Also, students may skip their meal or eat fast food when you are living far from your family. Sweeney said that the staple of diet of most people living away from home is noodles and take away food when you are feeling lazy or hungover. The fridge is often much empty than it is at home and there is more food still in date than there is food that is gone up (College Times, 2014). Therefore, students should choose the most beneficial life style to them.

Secondly, living at home and living far away from home are different in financial problems. One of the biggest advantages of living with parents is that students can save much money: from rent, utility bills, renovations, shared grocery and a lot more. Therefore, having family around to help often means saving financially. In this way students have more money to spend for leisure activities, new furniture or belongings for your dorm or arpartment and moving costs. Many college students who lived on campus need to return home after graduating because they cannot afford to live on their own. Living in a dormitory definitely cost a lot of money. According to the research, the cost of shared room and board in college is approximately $12,000-$15,000 per year. It is not including tuition fee and books. Furthermore, they have to pay for their daily meal, television cable expense, water, phone payment. College can be an exciting part of student's life; however, fun and excitement usually costs money. Students have to pay for their social activity, such as party tickets, movie tickets, furniture, and food that needed for their new place. It is absolutely opposite when students live at home. They will not save a little bit of money; they will save a boat load of money. Parents are willing to help them throughout school; meals are taken care of, and they do not have to pay for rent. Moreover, parents's students will instruct them on spending money. If they are facing financial problems-living with parents could be answer of saving money on everyday expenses. In contrast, living far away from home makes students pay the daily bills. According to the NUS, last year the average weekly cost for university accommodation was £98.99- that is not including food, travel, study materials or alcohol and loans. They may spend their money for their meals that they want. Also, they cannot ask for money to their parents when they begin to have no money. Furthermore, you must manage your money by yourself. Without parents, they will spend money wastefully. Because they do not know how to spend money economically. In brief, both of lifestyle always have problems to students. They must consider the best type of living for them.

Finally, the other difference between living at home and living away from home is experience. Those who do not favor living at home during college generally cite not getting authentic college experience. Similarly, it is harder to make friends if you are living at home and you may be less likely to take advantage of campus resources. You will depend on your parents as much as you can. Because washing always get done for you. Whatever you need, your mother and father will have it. Parents are always there to fix things. If you break something, dad's on hand with his tool box to repair it. Or even if you are ill, you will get all the attention you crave. Homemade soups, cups of tea and as much chocolate as you like. You are still their baby and they hate seeing you suffer. According to Malik, almost half of Europe's young adults are living with their parents and the dependency affect to social. One of the most comprehensive social surveys of 28 European countries reveals on Tuesday that the percentage of people aged 18-30 who were still living with their parents had risen to 48%, or 36.7 million people, by 2011, in tandem with levels of deprivation and unemployment that surged during five years of economic crisis (The guardian). Besides, you will not have opportunities to study new things. Also, you will learn the hard lesson of life. A survey showed that there are a lot of tough your parents, you could be shielding yourself from some of the hardships life has to offer (Wehavekids, 2016). Therefore you will not opportunities to learn new things. In contrast, moving to live far away from home gives you a whole lot of independence like nothing you have ever had before. You can go out when you want, come back when you want and join sports and socielities. When you live away from home, you will have fulfill resposibilities. Because you have to do all the housework by yourself. For example, you have to wash your clothes by self, clean up your room and etc. Singhal said that starting a new chapter away from home can be like a clean slate for you. No need to look over your shoulder all the time it gives you an opportunity to blossom into the hind of individual you've always wanted to be (HBCU Lifestyle). Moreover, living away from home help you to have opportunities to learn new things. Living in a campus gives you the opportunity to make a lot of new friends. After a few weeks you will soon learn a variety of new skills which will set up for life. Furthermore, meeting new people who are distinctly different from yourself can have a positive effect on your perspective of the world. Being exposed to so much diversity teaches you to be more open-minded. As a result of making friends with new people, we gain new connections from all over the world. They might come from the USA, Mexico, Canada, the UK, Germany, Italy, France, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Korea, or China. Obviously, we can learn about different cultures and in the future, we may get a job through our friends that we meet overseas ( The University of British Columbia). Therefore, living at home and living away from home. Both of living style bring to students benefits, they must consider to choose the best way to live.

In conclusion, living at home and living away from home have differences in living condition, finiancial problem and experience. That differences can be the reasons and considerations of students who want to live away from home while they continue to college. Many students see this as informations to choose the best living style for them. These considerable differences between living at home and living away from home mean that students will have to consider for their option.
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