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Posts by bs900004
Name: bs900004
Joined: Nov 16, 2017
Last Post: Nov 17, 2017
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Nov 16, 2017
Graduate / My goal is researching in the area of demanding automotive sector using machine learning techniques [4]

Hi guys,

this is my Statement of Purpose for applying one of available Machine Learning Graduate Programs in the US. looking forward on your feedbacks!


SoP Computer Science, Machine Learning

I strongly believe that preparedness into the fast changing world of science and technology starts with the right institute guided by the right educators and utilizing the right tools to conduct research. The glimpse of that was given to me when I had the opportunity to come to XXX as a Master student for an exchange program offered in collaboration with my YYY University and XXX University. Having spent only a small amount of time doing research at ZZZ program and working under the guidance from some of the best people in the field of automotive, has given me the determination to explore more of this fascinating field of research and pursue my academic endeavors into doctoral program. Having said that, I enthusiastically would like to apply for the Ph.D. program offered by the Computer Science department at XXX.

My passion has always been learning and exploring innovative ideas, which are exactly the most important ways to catch up with the fast-evolving field of research and development. Additionally, reading scientific papers and journals has helped me build independent thinking, and standing on the shoulders of giants (XXX professors), in my opinion, helps to think a little bit further or differently. Besides theoretical studies, as engineers, working with physical systems is very challenging, but is also highly rewarding to see the stuff you built works. I am very curious to learn the problem-solving skills through solving real world problems. To achieve better and sometimes faster results I enjoy working in teams, so we can help each other by discussing other people's opinions, presenting problems, solutions, results and conclusions. Foremost, I look forward to being able to present my work in conferences and publish journal papers, so hopefully that study will help other scholars interested in relevant areas.

My area of studies in computer science has involved developing software, robotics, automation-control systems and database management systems. Over the past years, my research interest has greatly steered towards machine learning techniques and its applications, which I believe would bring an immense value to the field of today's transportation and energy sector. For example, machine learning techniques can be utilized to better understand various systems and components in today's modern vehicles, and then be used to adequately predict complex system behavior or even detect failure modes that would potentially degrade vehicle performance at various aspects. Similarly, my master's thesis work involved designing an artificial neural network to estimate and detect faults for on-board sensors which are critical in monitoring the system health of the diesel particulate filters equipped in diesel heavy-duty vehicles. I believe that my knowledge and skills from computer science background can act as a great tool in exploring concepts and performing advanced research into majority of the projects that ZZZ conducts.

My ultimate goal is being able to perform impacting research in the area of demanding automotive sector using machine learning techniques, that will eventually help to increase vehicular efficiency and further reduce emissions that are harmful to both human health and the environment. I greatly believe that if given this opportunity to pursue my doctoral studies at one of the prestigious university in academic research, would provide me with skills and most importantly confidence to take any challenges out in the world of both automotive and computer science. As a prospective candidate, I look forward to continuing the academic and professional relationship that I began to enrich while I was there at XXX.

I sincerely would like to thank you for giving this opportunity to express myself.
Nov 17, 2017
Graduate / My goal is researching in the area of demanding automotive sector using machine learning techniques [4]

what about this?

thank you in advance!
My research interests lie primarily in the area of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. During an internship in the robotics laboratory I work in XXX inter-connection system developed for the nationally founded YYY project. XXX aimed at developing Home Automation solutions for building energy management, user customization and improved safety of its inhabitants. It is a framework that aims to integrate heterogeneous devices, such as sensors and actuators from different vendors, providing networking features, protocols and interfaces that are easy to implement and dynamically configurable. We adapted the Robot Operating System (ROS) features to the HA problem, designing the network and protocol architectures for this particular needs. Since one of the aim of the YYY project was the personalization of the building environment according to the user needs, and the learning of their patterns of behavior, we had to design and experiment to provide a Machine Learning based re-identification module implemented with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)

Currently my research interests lie in application of machine learning techniques in automotive. The glimpse of that was given to me when I had the opportunity to come to ZZZ University as a Master student for an exchange program offered in collaboration with my University of KKK and ZZZ Having spent only a small amount of time doing research for my masters thesis at TTT program and working under the guidance from some of the best people in the field of automotive, has given me the determination to explore more of this fascinating field of research and pursue my academic endeavors into doctoral program.

My master's thesis work involved designing an artificial neural network based machine learning technique to estimate and detect faults for on-board sensors which are critical in monitoring the system health of the diesel particulate filters equipped in diesel heavy-duty vehicles. My ultimate goal is being able to perform impacting research in the area of demanding automotive sector using machine learning techniques, that will eventually help to increase vehicular efficiencies and further reduce emissions that are harmful to both human health and the environment. For example a current issue that can be solved using machine learning techniques is engine calibration. Since, modern engines are controlled by electronic control units, which operate all the engine actuators based on the signals from various sensors in the engine, traditionally, the control parameters of the actuators are obtained through huge amount of trial-and-error experiments. However, using traditional approach to calibrate these parameters becomes more challenging with the increasing incorporation of new technologies into advanced engines. In order to reduce the number of experiments required in the calibration process of modern engines, an engine calibration approach based on machine learning methods can be proposed.

I believe that my knowledge and skills ...
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