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Posts by vakkomvishnu [Suspended]
Name: vishnu
Joined: Nov 18, 2017
Last Post: Nov 18, 2017
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Nov 18, 2017
Scholarship / Remaining in the same company rather than job switching? [4]


Some people work for the same organisation all their working life.Others think that it is better to work with different organisations.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

Work ethics has been a multifaceted issue since the stem of the industrial revolution. Probably, while some stick on to their job and earn their demands on pay and position, there are a significant amount of job hoppers aiming to reap quicker benefits who would be outrun in the longer stretch by the former. Here the term benefit is important as it can profoundly influence the career decisions. But which one yields fruit the best way? This can only be answered by weighing perks and detrimental effects on both sides.

Firstly, people switching career would obviously be attracted by initial salary hikes offered by other companies. These initial perks may be irresistible but further salary increment might not prove quite impressive at the end of the day. On top of it, promotions might not be easier as older employees in the new company may have a higher say. For example, my sister, who worked as a software engineer, got a job offer at a major company to which she readily accepted due to higher pay. She was puzzled to find herself in the same designation after 2 years though due to corporate policy termed 'In-house experienced first'.

On the other hand, people staying in the same organisation are valued seniors in their job with rich experience. On top of that, they are equipped with better remedies to commonly faced issues and better client relationship with existing clients. it is seen that hefty rewards are not provided in a small increment but its spiked with a promotion of job. Consequently, in the long run, this proves to be a much more efficient strategy.

To conclude, it is agreed that remaining in the same company rather than job switching is prosperous due to perks of former being far outweighed by the latter in the context of financial and socio-ethical aspects. Therefore a need for career change must be carefully analysed with other serious aspects rather than mere issues when one plans to do so.
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