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Posts by forpis44
Name: fajrin
Joined: Dec 28, 2017
Last Post: Jan 2, 2018
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From: Indonesia
School: halu oleo University

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Dec 28, 2017
Undergraduate / Leadership style for Global UGRAD can be applied in different programs [5]

my collaborative style of leading

It is a truth universally acknowledged that in each person there is a leadership. Everyone is a leader for himself and can be a leader for others. In terms of leading, the way someone leads is influenced by how they see the meaning of leadership itself. Someone who thinks that leader is the one who is in a position of a boss will lead his community perfectly being like a boss which sometimes means the success is the mine of the boss while the failure is caused by the members. However, I personally believe that a leader is the one who works together with his members and set up his community to claim the goals together and face all the results as a whole. Therefore, in leading others I often do such collaboration with my members instead of being the center of the group. So I can describe my leadership style is a collaborative style.

Contrary to the belief that a leader is the one who does everything in his group, collaborating and connecting are really the best way to be a remarkable leader. In my view, it is never possible for a leader to work by himself, he needs the hands of his members. That is why the principal duty of a leader is to recognize his members well and their capacity and giving them duties that suitable for them. That is what I always do when I am being a leader. Locating my members into specific area is not to separate them to each other but to give them responsibility in order to make sure that every people is contributing. However, even if each person got his own duty it does not mean that he will simply do that by himself. The keyword is that collaboration, so there will be a discussion after each person done his duty which a section to give suggestion and correction.

However, I will never be able to do my job as a leader if at the very first place my members do not even respect to me. To gain respect from my members I believe there are 3 points that I should have or do. First is respecting to others. There is a saying that if you want people respect to you, first you need to respect to others. Showing respect to my members will cause positive attitude towards me as the leader. Second is honesty, in order to avoid misunderstanding I always try my best to be an honest one, because one of the most important things in collaboration is that believing in each other. Third is optimist, I always say to my members that "we can do that, there is no way why we cannot". In order to keep my members on fire I need to be an optimist one so they will also feel that what we are going to do is possible to do.

Student Creativity Program is one example where I apply my leadership style. I only have 3 days to make a proposal while others have 3 months. So I worked effectively by choosing members, giving them duty, giving a general description about what they are going to do, discuss one another and we did it. Our proposal is accepted in university level and we are waiting for the announcement for the national scale (PIMNAS). I think that my leadership style is appropriate with my dream which become a teacher, because teacher is not the center in the class but the students, and teacher is forced to collaborate with his students.
Jan 2, 2018
Undergraduate / Leadership style for Global UGRAD can be applied in different programs [5]

hello Arie, thanks for your comments, sorry I could not give my comment or even read your essay because I have been very busy on that day and I was not available to check my Email. However, I appreciate your advice. Wish We luck on Global UGRAD. :D

Arie, are you also an Indonesian Applicant? if so, may i got your Facebook or your E-mail address?, I have something to ask related to Global UGRAD.
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