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Posts by Phan Bao Tram
Name: Phan Bao Tra,
Joined: Jan 16, 2018
Last Post: Jan 21, 2018
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From: Vietnam
School: Le Hong Phong High School for Gifted Students

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Phan Bao Tram   
Jan 21, 2018
Scholarship / Describe your educational goals, the career path you've chosen- IPAG scholarship application [2]


turning the dreams into reality

I have learned how to set goals since I was a child. My mother is an intelligent woman who knows what personality her children should have in order to become successful in life. She taught me to make a list of goals for a week and if I could complete them all, I would be rewarded. She never put huge pressure on me but motivated me with her very inspirational words about the bright future if I can achieve my goals. Every time I got excellent grade in examinations, played a piano song skillfully or learned a new sport, the reward I received was a pack of snack, candy or a teddy bear. These little and simple things did give me a very first sense of achievements and satisfaction. As I grow older, I become more perceptive of the great benefits that goals setting brings, and I am always grateful to my mother for making me a determined person who always working tirelessly towards goals. "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible"- this quote of Athony Tony Robbins has been my most favourite quote of life that acts a great motivation for me to never stop making effort.

Currently, I am the final-year student in high school, this is the hardest year since I have to study hard for good grades in each exam and have to take more extra classes in order to be best prepared for the upcoming university entrance examinations. At the moment, my short term goal is to pass all subjects and graduate with excellent grades. In Semester I, my GPA is 9.3/10 , therefore in semester II, I will make endeavor to maintain this GPA. Additionally, I am doubling my effort in preparing for my application in some business schools in France and IPAG admission is my top target. Also, I desire to be awarded the Merit Based Scholarship on IPAG. This scholarship means so much to me as it will assist me greatly in studying and push me to keep progressing in order to be deserved for the grant. Starting my student life in France requires me to have a good knowledge of French. However, my acquisition of French has not been adequate to communicate and deal with daily situations, even though my English is of advanced level, I still think it is of great essence that I take French classes and reach A2 level before boarding. When comes to France, I will continue learning French by attending classes and communicating with the native speakers as much as possible. It is obviously demanding to master a language within a short period of time however with my great enthusiasm in language acquisition and my requiring mind, I believe I can achieve this goal. An obvious university target of mine is to obtain a degree, besides I desire to set some more personal future achievements. Firstly, within 3 years in college, my goal is to be at the top 10 students in class and reach GPA of at least 3.3/4.0 and catch the opportunity to the awarded the school scholarship. This can be regarded the biggest challenge during the university time as it involves enormous sacrifice, commitment and attempt, and constant pressure as in competing with other talent students. Some people may consider this impossible, however, I regard myself as not being afraid of difficulty, in fact, I am willing to conquer it will all my strength and I believe this great accomplishment will open me better opportunities in the future. During my high school time, my grades have always been in top 5 in class, therefore, I want to continue challenging myself in a new journey of university. When I become sophomore, I will choose to specialize in Human Resource. Recently, I have taken an online course on Coursera which features on how to manage people at work by the University of London. This aspect of business has its own complexity and challenge but it totally interests me and triggers me to explore a further education in this field. Also in the second year of college, I will begin studying GMAT and I will take the real test in my final year. My targeted score is 700-720/800 with at least 46 in Verbal and 40 in Quantitive. The first time I took the full test on GMAT prep I got only 480/800 with 30 in Verbal and 25 in Quant. In order to achieve high score, I have to spend more time enhancing knowledge, practicing, testing and self-evaluating, hence a one-year preparation will be the most sensible. In the final year, I will make a greater attempt to earn the IPAG Bachelor Degree with an impressive GPA. In semester II, all of my time will be dedicated to accumulating professional experience. I aim to do internship in hotels and restaurants, assuming the responsibility of managing the human resource. Aside from theoretical knowledge, working experience plays a fundamental role in future job application, so I will try my best to accomplish excellently every task assigned and learn from each mistake so that my experience will be improved. After graduating with a Bachelor Degree, I will not stop my learning process but continue to pursue the Master of Science (Msc) in International Hospitality Management. Hospitality and tourism are amongst the most rapidly growing areas of employment in the world. In my country, Vietnam, tourism and hotels service are also the current targets of national development, nevertheless, the workforce in this field in Vietnam is in shortage situation. Therefore I would like to devote all my knowledge and ability to the domestic economy. Furthermore, working in the hotel and tourism industry has been my dream for long on account of its ideal working environment, flexible working time and attractive salary. Obtaining a master degree will help me enhance my specialized knowledge and would be a stepping stone for my further development.

The career path I choose to pursue is becoming a succesful human resource manager in top leading hotels - resorts and restaurants. In addition, I also have a strategic plan B for the future of becoming a lecturer in Hospitality Management in some of the international universities in Vietnam, including RMIT University Vietnam or Fulbright University Vietnam. My ambition is to achieve all of my goals, to live to the fullest with all the things I love and to be the best at everything I do, and of course, achieving wealth and power in the society is also my purposes of working so diligently.

All in all, setting a clear personal plan with expected achievement is a the most important and powerful process of preparing for your pushing myself to turn all the dreams into reality. No goal can be completed easily, it requires really strong commitment and dedication. However, I have a strong belief in myself that I can achieve these goals. Even though many challenges and failure can be confronted on my way to success, I will always self-motivate with positive thoughts and will never give up on what I have planned.

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