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Posts by sundassadiq
Name: sundas
Joined: Feb 19, 2018
Last Post: Feb 19, 2018
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From: Pakistan

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Feb 19, 2018

kindly check my letter of self introduction for KGSP graduate 2018

20% talent and 80% passion

I am Sundas Sadiq from Bahawalpur city, Punjab, Pakistan. I got all degrees from my home city. I passed my matriculation with science major and intermediate exam with medical science subjects. Afterwards, I decided to make my academic career in economics and did my bachelors degree in computer science and economics. I did my masters in business economics and excelled in it by getting gold medal having CGPA 3.60 out of 4.00. Later, I had to leave my studies because I got married and had to move to a small city adjacent to my home town. I continued my link with education by joining a private institute as economic lecturer. As time has passed, my passion for further education moved me to connect back to it. Now with the support of my husband and family, I want to continue my studies and enhance my educational expertise and knowledge of my subject. My basic area of interest is marketing strategies and I want to explore it further in my research. I always work hard to maintain a good academic standing, but I am not a bookworm type of person as I like to socialize and indulge in extra-curricular activities too. I end up with building strong disciplines in myself and strengthen my physical and mental powers.

I was born and raised in a middle class family and being youngest of my four siblings, I always had to face the tight budget for my educational endeavors. Although my father was a public officer, we were barely able to maintain a middle class living. I went to Army Public School, which introduced me to multiple opportunities but I could opt only a few because of our ever-tightening budget condition. But I did well in my class and I have ever been among the highest achievers of my class. Like all other female students in Pakistan, I opted for medical sciences in intermediate but unfortunately couldn't make it to medical school because of very high academic criteria. But this failure gave me a chance to search for my area of academic interest which was economics. So I did my bachelors with economics and computer sciences. I got very high grades in bachelors and went for my masters in business economics. I got gold medal in my masters. But after my masters, I got married and had to move a small city where I was unable to continue my studies. Due to economic pressure in my household, I decided to do job and it was an opportunity for me to connect to my passion which was economics. I became a lecturer in private college in my city to stay in touch with my subject and its practice. My personal experience of moving to a small city and watching extreme poverty, rural living and deprived economic areas enhanced my interest in applied economics. South Punjab is associated with extreme poverty, low economic activity and highly paralyzed public services of health, education and infrastructure. But experiencing them first hand, made me more willing to study the phenomenon, compare it at global level and bring home solutions which would bring a change in my surroundings.

For me, KGSP is an important financial assistance without which I can never manage to get quality higher education but it is also a chance for me to learn about a technologically advanced economy and culture. South Korea is well-known for their high education standards especially in science and technology field as the country has invested and thus developed heavily in education, science and technology since 1970s. South Korea scholarship will also be a bridge which links me with the cutting edge technology of this country. Studying in the environment with high quality of research facilities, advanced theories and technologies will definitely prepare me to become a highly competitive professional in the future. Korean universities are well known for actively conducted researches on various economics fields bringing development models for theoretical and applied economics. I feel excited to become a part of them who will be the first person to develop and try out a new technology if I was given the opportunity to study in Korean Universities with this scholarship. Besides, KGSP also poses an opportunity for me to expand my perspective and develop my global vision through exchanging knowledge and culture with people from different nations. KGSP also provides a chance for me to build invaluable relationships with peers from Not only Korean people but also from people around the world. Through immersing in the interesting Korean culture, learning Korean language and their manners, I believe that the 5 years life in Korea will develop me personally by learning a new language, improving communication skills, learning to become truly independent and improve my problem-solving skills. I hope to bring back the advanced technology and knowledge from South Korea to develop my country and hopefully help Pakistan in becoming knowledge-based economy like South Korea. These are the few reasons among many others which deeply motivated me to apply KGSP scholarship and hopefully if I grab this once in a lifetime opportunity, I will be able to fulfill my future goals.

Despite the economic difficulties in my home, I was raised with the idea that everything you do is 20% talent and 80% passion. Maybe people will say that you can't or you don't have the opportunity for achieving what you want because there are thousands of people wishing for the same thing, but that does not really matters. I believe that if you are persistent in your beliefs, you will accomplish anything you set on your mind. I hope that I will get a chance to learn more and experience Korea by the KGSP program.

Thanks and Regards,
Sundas Sadiq
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