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Posts by tams27
Name: septian
Joined: Apr 16, 2018
Last Post: Apr 16, 2018
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From: Indonesia
School: university of indonesia

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Apr 16, 2018
Scholarship / The gained knowledge would sharpen my passion (Australia Award Scholarship) [2]

How will the proposed study contribute to your career? (Australia Award Scholarship)

skills I do hope to gain

Having a clear and distinct marketing strategy and an ability to set a proper tourism destination branding, also designing digital marketing are important skill I do hope to gain. From those, I hope I can situate theories of advertising planning, creativity and conceptual development in broader marketing, research and business concepts, so that I can convincingly express creative proposals in the context of business strategies and creative competitions. As a start up, those would be help me in pitching a new venture idea to potential investors. My proposed study also has a course about sustainable business strategy where the knowledge would sharpen my passion in modifying business strategies to accommodate key social, cultural and environmental issues.
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